The best dashboard is one that presents important metrics in an uber-readable manner. In doing so, it gives you the information that you’re looking for ...
Creating a great visual report is a lot like being reporting on a news story. Let me explain. Great visual reporting is all about telling ...
Establishing healthy growth and implementing the best scaling strategies in your company can’t be done without properly tracking and analyzing business data. After all, the ...
If you read our blog, you’ve likely heard all the benefits of a dashboard software for your business. But like any other tool, not all ...
Are you looking for an easy way to monitor your KPIs so you can react timely to grab an opportunity or solve a problem? Would ...
No matter what type of business you run, the success you have scaling your company will ultimately depend on your ability to squeeze value from ...
You wouldn’t drive a car only looking at your rearview mirror, right? After all, the only surefire thing that will happen if you do this ...
If you look back at the previous month in your company, what questions come to your mind? Something like: did we reach our goals? How ...
On average, companies with fewer than 49 employees have three staff members on their marketing team. Organizations with more than 5,000 employees typically have a ...
In a world where companies now use dozens (upon dozens) of different tools to track business performance, data dashboards have become critical for quickly conveying ...
Did you know? Google Analytics powers a staggering 44 million websites worldwide! If getting insights from Google Analytics seems challenging, don’t worry— with pre-made and ...
You probably have a niche group of customers who love your product or service. Mary shares how to identify who they are, and how to ...