It used to be that when we thought about web analytics, the first platform that came to mind was Google Analytics. It has been like ...
Working on creating your retail KPI dashboard? Good call. Not does it make it easy for you to track and optimize specific KPIs, but it ...
Looking to make your software development process as productive as possible? Want to improve your workflow so every team member has optimal conditions to do ...
No matter if you’re a total beginner or a seasoned veteran, dealing with real estate can often be overwhelming. This applies to everyone involved in ...
Dashboards present and organize your organization’s most important data, but that data can only be useful if you can do something with it. After all, ...
If you are like most teams, you have a ton of data but you are still relying mainly on your experience, assumptions, and intuition to ...
The way you go about project management in your organization can literally make or break the entire company. What’s the point of spending countless hours ...
Want to know what separates businesses that are doing ‘okay’ from Fortune 500 companies? Data management. If there is something that connects all modern companies, ...
Setting objectives and their accompanying results can be easy. Achieving those results to meet the objectives? Not so much. The key to success, however, is ...
A Google Data Studio dashboard is an excellent way to visualize your ecommerce store’s performance. From tracking your online store’s website performance to keeping tabs ...
No dashboard is ever going to be useful to your team if it’s not usable. And no dashboard is going to be usable if it’s ...
“Sometimes reality is too complex. Stories give it form,” said Jean Luc Godard. A quote fully applicable to data. Data may often seem complex and ...