How to Automate Google Ads Reports for Your Agency Clients

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    Peter Caputa

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    If you’re an agency that handles Google Ads campaigns for your clients, then there’s a good chance you have to prepare and deliver performance reports on a regular basis. And since each client has its own demands, this can be a rather time-consuming and even frustrating task. After all, all you want to do is to make sure your reports are accurate and show your results in the best possible light.

    So, what’s the solution? Enters automated Google Ads reports. Just as with Google Analytics automated reporting, automated Google Ads reports, provide a summary of your AdWords campaign data, organized by different metrics.

    But how hard is it to automate your reports?

    It’s actually quite simple.

    Keep reading to learn how to create automated Google Adwords reports and bring your client reporting game to the next level.


    Google Adwords Reporting Limitations

    Unfortunately, there are some limitations to Google AdWords’ reporting functionality.

    One of the biggest limitations is that you cannot automate account performance reports for multiple clients at once. You will have to create a separate schedule for each client, which may take away a lot of valuable time if you are running different types of campaigns (which you probably are), or if your clients have specific reporting demands.

    Another reporting limitation is that you can automate only certain Google Ads reports, not all of them. For example, the Ad Group Performance Report only allows for one ad group to be selected at a time, so it cannot be automated. This may seem small and insignificant from an agency perspective because there are many other things you should automate instead, but some clients may still notice this missing reporting feature if they’re looking through your accounts –they won’t have insight on how specific ad groups or keywords are performing unless each report has been created and scheduled individually.

    Lastly, you should note that you can automate some, but not all of your ad data – again limiting agency value that could otherwise be offered to clients.

    Here is a solution to automating Google Ads reporting without any limitations – from automating performance reports for multiple clients at once, to reporting on any data you find important, combining data from multiple data sources and much more.

    How to Setup Google Ads Automated Reporting

    Setting up Google Ads automated reporting may seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually very simple if you use a reporting tool like Databox.

    Databox is an all-in-one business reporting software that provides you and your agency clients with the most important information at a glance. All of your reports can be accessed in one place and shared instantly on any screen – including mobile devices and even your smartwatch for on-the-go access to analytics data.

    For example, let’s say your client needs daily, weekly, or monthly performance updates on their account but doesn’t have time to log in to their Google Ads that often to check it themselves. With Databox, you can set up automated email alerts for them each day, week, or month so they always know how their campaign(s) are performing without having to lift a finger. They also get full visibility into their account optimization history, in case they quickly want to see how the changes made have impacted performance.

    The best thing is that you can combine data from multiple data sources into one comprehensive dashboard so your clients can easily understand what the data means and where did it come from. Now let’s take a closer look at how to set up Google Ads reporting in Databox and how to build a dashboard using Google Ads data.

    How to Set Up Google Ads Reporting in Databox?

    To set up Google Ads reporting in Databox, first, go to Data Manager > + New connection. Type ‘Google Ads’ in the search bar. Click on the green Connect button. 

    In the Activation window, enter your Google Ads Customer ID to authorize the Databox app. You can find your Customer ID in the top right corner above your email address in your Google Ads Account.

    Note that Google Ads data is synced in the time zone set in the Google Ads Account. Now sync data for a Metric by adding it to your Metrics screen, using it in a Scorecard, setting a Goal around it, creating an Alert for it, or adding it to a Databoard.

    Setting Up Google Ads Reporting in Databox

    How to Build a Dashboard Using Google Ads Data?

    To create a dashboard in Databox using Google Ads, first, go to Databoards > + New Databoard > Start Blank.

    Click on the Metric Library on the lefthand side. Then, select desired Google Ads Account from the Data Source drop-down list.

    Here, you will see the list of pre-built Google Ads Datablocks in the Metric Library. Select desired Datablock onto your Databoard.

    If a pre-built Datablock isn’t available for your use case, click on the Visualization Types icon under the Metric Library icon. You will see the list of Visualizations available in Databox. Drag and drop your selected Visualization onto your Databoard.

    Click on the Datablock on the Databoard to open the corresponding Datablock Settings on the righthand side. Select the appropriate Google Ads Data Source and Metric in the righthand Datablock Settings.

    Building a Dashboard in Databox Using Google Ads Data

    Congratulations! You have successfully built your Google Ads dashboard in Databox.

    If you don’t have time to set the dashboard yourself, reach out to us via chat, and we will do build it for you, free of charge.

    Related: How to Create Scheduled Emails in Google Analytics: A Step-By-Step Guide

    Google Adwords Report Types

    While there are many different reports you can use in Google Adwords, the following standard reports are the most commonly used ones.

    Account Performance Report

    The Account Performance Report is typically automated for each client on a monthly basis. This report shows all the important data regarding your client’s AdWords account such as billing, payments, and budgets. It also displays the number of clicks & impressions by ad groups or campaigns.

    Campaign Performance Report

    Campaign Performance Report displays your ad groups and keywords performance data. Since it shows the number of clicks, impressions, CTR, estimated conversions, and cost per conversion, it’s typically used to determine which ads are performing best for a specific campaign or ad group.

    Ad Group Performance Report

    The ad group performance report displays key information on your keywords and ads within a particular ad group, sorted by clicks and impressions, conversions, cost per conversion, or average CPC. Google Ads experts typically automate this report for each client on a daily or weekly basis.

    Keyword Performance Report

    The Keyword Performance report shows all the keywords in your account, sorted by CTR, average position, and estimated conversions, as well as total clicks and impressions for each keyword. PPC specialists typically automate this report for each client on a weekly basis to keep them updated on their best-performing keywords.

    Search Term Performance Report

    The search term performance report shows you all the queries (search terms) that triggered your ads, including total clicks and impressions. It’s recommended to automate this report on a monthly or weekly basis to keep clients updated on their best (and worst) performing keywords from a ROAS perspective.

    Related: Google Ads Forecasting: How to Improve Your ROAS With Accurate Projections

    If you don’t want to create Google Ads reports from scratch (or you simply don’t have the time or don’t know where to start), you can rely on our pre-built dashboard templates.

    The following Google Ads report templates will help you automate Google Ads reporting and save your agency hours of work each month.

    Google Ads Dashboard Template

    This Google Ads dashboard template allowed agency managers & clients to easily track and analyze Google ad campaigns and their most important metrics related to account performance and objectives, such as impressions, clicks per campaign, cost-per-click (CPC), average ad position on the SERPs, total visits to your site from Adwords traffic sources, and more.

    Google Ads Dashboard

    Google Ads (Ad Groups and Keywords Performance) Dashboard Template

    This Google Ads report template combines data from both Google Analytics & Google ads to show your clients their overall ad performance — starting from the performance of individual keywords, to search terms that people use to find them, as well as negative keywords that are making expenses.

    Google Ads (Ad Groups and Keywords Performance) Dashboard

    Google Ads Campaign Performance Dashboard Template

    This Google Ads Campaign performance report shows visualizes some of the most important Google Ads metrics like clicks from ads, click-through rate, and average CPC to answer questions such as:

    • How many times was my ad shown?
    • How many clicks did my ad get?
    • What is the Average CPC on my ad?
    • What percentage of my ad interactions resulted in actual conversions?
    Google Ads Campaign Performance Dashboard

    Google Ads (Competitive Health) Dashboard Template

    The Google Ads Competitive Health dashboard helps you monitor the competitive search landscape that your Google Ads account occupies. It measures the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns by tracking your most important Google ads metrics, including impressions, clicks, CTR, cost, conversions, and more. And it helps you keep track of your traffic and conversion trends in real-time, and see how you compare to your competitors.

    Google Ads (Competitive Health) Dashboard

    Google Ads & GA4 Performance Report Dashboard Template

    Google Ads & GA4 Performance Report dashboard template provides essential information on your ad campaigns in an easy-to-digest format. starting from the number of ad clicks, CTR, and CPC to the event count and the number of impressions generated by each keyword. Use this template to track the efficiency of your campaigns, and the keywords driving the most engagement.

    Enjoy Automated Google Ads Reports from All Your Favorite Devices

    Would you like to up your PPC reporting game until the next client meeting?

    Agencies often face the challenge of finding enough time to create and send monthly performance reports to each client. But with Databox, you need to create a report for your client only once. And from that moment, all your data will be automatically updated in real-time.

    What’s even better, with our reporting tool, you can easily overcome the most common limitations of Google Ads reporting and create any number of dashboards and reports per client, and have any number of clients in your account.

    And best of all, you can view your performance from all your favorite devices, including your desktop, phone, TV, or even your wrist – because Databox is all about making your data accessible no matter where you are.

    Want to access your business performance at any time and at any place? Then sign up for a free trial now and join 20,000 satisfied growing businesses and agencies using Databox.

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    Djordje Cvijovic

    Grew up as a Copywriter. Evolved into the Content creator. Somewhere in between, I fell in love with numbers that can portray the world as well as words or pictures. A naive thinker who believes that the creative economy is the most powerful force in the world!

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