The Cost per Lead (CPL) is the dollar amount you’re paying to acquire each lead you generate from a Facebook ad, ad set, or ad ...
Paid ads on Facebook, if done right, can put a lot of gas in the tank in terms of awareness and conversion. But it’s not ...
We’ve all been there––you spend months working hard to make sure your campaigns are a success and then…. you’re asked to report on the results. ...
When it comes to advertising and reaching new audiences, Facebook offers 2 different ways to put money behind your social media efforts: boosted posts and ...
Did you know that 93% of marketers use Facebook advertising regularly? That equates to around 3 million businesses around the world plowing cash into the social media ...
Organic reach on Facebook may be on life support, but Facebook ads are still a great way to drive traffic and generate conversions. In some ...
When it comes to targeting a specific audience and/or market, there are few (if any) platforms more powerful than Facebook. Facebook offers serious potential for ...
As digital marketers, there are few things more frustrating than having someone view a purchase or signup page, only to abandon your website. So close, ...
Are Facebook Ads right for you? Probably — the Facebook Ads product has a solution for pretty much every type of marketer. Are you a ...
Too often brands pour money into ad channels without calculating their efficiency first. Efficiency in audience segmentation, the potential for ROI, and payback period. As ...
If you are a daily Facebook user, you probably know that feeling when a crappy advertisement invades your feed. Actually, you may NOT know the ...
Facebook is the best thing to happen to online marketing since well, Google. And I’m not the only one who thinks so. Facebook generated $8.81 ...