The Definitive List of Marketing KPIs Every Team Should Track

Author's avatar Marketing UPDATED May 19, 2022 PUBLISHED Feb 10, 2020 15 minutes read

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    Peter Caputa

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    Which marketing KPIs are the most important to track? 

    This is the question we set out to answer several months ago when we began reaching out to hundreds (and hundreds) of marketers to find out their answers.

    It’s one of the biggest challenges that marketers face today. 

    On the one hand, it has never been easier to collect and analyze data from a wide array of free and paid tools.

    On the other hand, with so much data now at our fingertips, it is easy to get overwhelmed, stuck in analysis paralysis, or wind up tracking the wrong metrics. 

    We set out to create a comprehensive guide featuring insights from hundreds of marketers on the most important marketing KPIs they’re tracking in their marketing dashboards. However, we didn’t want to focus on general marketing KPIs, but rather dive deeper into the KPIs that are most important to track across eight functional areas in marketing, including: 

    1. B2B Marketing KPIs
    2. Content Marketing KPIs
    3. SEO KPIs
    4. Email Marketing KPIs
    5. Social Media KPIs
    6. Influencer Marketing KPIs
    7. Brand Marketing KPIs
    8. Product Marketing KPIs

    But before we get into that, let’s level set…


    What Are Marketing KPIs?

    A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a metric that’s used to quantify progress towards important business objectives.

    Output KPIs measure the overall performance of a company or specific function, i.e. revenue, opportunities, lead, website traffic, etc., while Outcome KPIs focus on measuring the impact of tasks and projects led by individuals teams, i.e. number of meetings booked, phone calls made, blog posts published, etc.

    Editor’s note: Having a hard time tracking your marketing KPIs? With Databox, you can automate performance alerts and make adjustments when they matter most.

    The 20 B2B Marketing KPIs Every Business Should Track

    Measuring the marketing performance of your B2B company doesn’t have to be a complicated process. It boils down to understanding a few key concepts, such as Customer Lifetime Value, Customer Acquisition Cost, and Lead Quality. 

    “Customer lifetime value is a crucial KPI for B2B marketing,” says Jacob Landis-Eigsti. “You need to know the lifetime value of a customer, so you can decide how much you’re able to spend to acquire a customer. For a personal injury lawyer, acquiring a customer for $175 is incredible. For a coffee shop, it’s a disaster. You should track customer lifetime value so you can see how much you’re able to spend to acquire new customers. But you also want to actively work to improve this number. You can do this by increasing referrals, reducing churn, and adding more repeat business.”

    In addition to LTV, here are 19 more KPIs to keep a close eye on if you work in B2B marketing.

    1. Website traffic
    2. Organic click-through rate
    3. Conversions per activity
    4. Landing page conversion rate
    5. Conversions by content
    6. Form conversion rate
    7. Visitor-to-lead conversion by source
    8. Email sign-ups
    9. Leads
    10. Source of leads
    11. Lead quality
    12. Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) to Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) conversion rate 
    13. Performance of qualified leads
    14. Sales pipeline velocity
    15. Sales close rate
    16. Return on investment (ROI) 
    17. Monthly recurring revenue
    18. Customer satisfaction
    19. Customer acquisition cost (CAC)
    20. Customer lifetime value (LTV) 

    Want to read more about B2B Marketing KPIs? Check out this detailed guide with tips from more than 40 B2B companies

    *Editor’s note: Do you know how happy your customers are with your product or service? Grab our Customer Success dashboard to see how many customers you’ve helped, support messages have been sent, and happiness percentage.

    The 19 Content Marketing KPIs Every Marketing Team Should Track

    With content marketing, it is very easy to fall into the trap of only measuring vanity metrics. These are metrics that may look great in a report (i.e. up and to the right) and are easy to get from Google Analytics and social media platforms, but they don’t tell the full story.  

    In fact, actionable metrics that tied back to revenue, lead quality, and customer retention can be notoriously difficult to measure.

    Andy Crestodina, of Orbit Media, said, “The more visible the metric, the less important it is to the bottom line. And the less visible/easy to find, the more important it is.”

    Let’s take the example of content attribution. If you are only looking at last-click attribution, which is the default in Google Analytics, and you have a longer sales cycle, you are missing out on all the things that influenced their path of the path.  

    Jennifer Lux of LyntonWeb says, “If you build a multi-touch attribution model that measures what percent of customers visited blogs or read offers along their path to purchase, you’ll have a better understanding of how content marketing effects the bottom line. This closed-loop, custom reporting not only measures the return on your content budget but should yield more informed, educated, and successful clients long-term.”

    In fact, almost 50% of the marketers we surveyed prefer to use a multi-touch attribution model.  

    With all that in mind, what content marketing metrics should you be tracking? We analyzed the top KPIs, including:

    1. Overall traffic 

    2. Time on page

    3. Click-through-rate (CTR) of internal links 

    4. Scroll depth 

    5. Bounce rate 


    7. Social shares

    8. Links

    9. Organic rankings 

    10. Brand market share 

    11. Leads

    12. Conversions 

    13. Page values 

    14. Subscribers 

    15. Customer lifetime value (LTV) 

    16.  Customer retention 

    17.  Content attribution 

    18. Customer acquisition costs (CAC)

    19. Overall ROI 

    If you want to dive deeper into how to measure your content marketing strategy, then read the full content marketing KPI report here.

    *Editors’ note: Track your dwell time, and view the impact that your content has on your rankings, by customizing our Google Analytics SEO Dashboard.

    The 49 SEO KPIs That 100+ SEO Pros Say You Should Track

    For the majority of companies, the north star for your SEO strategy is revenue. 

    “It’s easy to get caught up in all the various metrics that are important to SEO,” says Chas Cooper of Rising Star Reviews. “But at the end of the day for most companies, it’s all about generating revenue.”

    In fact, the marketers we surveyed cited more than 49 different SEO KPIs to track with an SEO dashboard software, which we’ll share in more detail below.

    This included everything from goals completed and conversion rates to link velocity, bounce rate, and backlinks. 

    For example, “Bounce rate indicates the user-friendliness of your content,” says The Advisor Coach’s James Pollard.

    “If people are bouncing from a high-traffic page, there’s no point applying additional marketing strategies to that page,” adds Ashok Sharma of Wealth Words. “Focus instead on improving the overall page structure and satisfying user intent.”

    “It’s not enough to show up on page one of the SERPs,” says Chris Steele of Knowmad Digital Marketing. “You have to give users a reason to click on the link to your page. If you aren’t actively tracking CTR and trying to improve it, you’re missing the point of SEO entirely.”

    So, what are all of the SEO metrics that marketers are looking at? These metrics include: 

    1. Organic traffic

    2. Organic traffic by visitor location 

    3. Mobile organic traffic 

    4. Number of unique pages that drive organic traffic

    5. New addressable organic traffic 

    6. Organic impressions 

    7. Average time on page 

    8. Scroll depth 

    9. Content length 

    10. Dwell time 

    11. Session duration

    12. Pages per session

    13. Bounce rate 

    14. Exit pages 

    15. Page load speeds

    16. Percentage of returning visitors 

    17. Keyword rankings

    18. Number of ranking keywords 

    19. Commercial intent keywords

    20. Branded search volume 

    21. Non-branded search volume

    22. Competitor rankings

    23. Featured snippets

    24. Keyword difficulty 

    25. Estimated traffic 

    26. Traffic value 

    27. Query impressions 

    28. Click-through rate (CTR)  

    29. Meta title length 

    30. Overall number of backlinks 

    31. Number of unique referring domains 

    32. Number of backlinks to specific pages 

    33. New backlinks

    34. Lost backlinks

    35. Backlink referral traffic 

    36. Backlink quality 

    37. Backlink reference

    38. Most valuable backlink

    39. Link building momentum 

    40. Link velocity 

    41. Domain authority 

    42. Domain rating distribution 

    43. Internal links 

    44. Crawl errors

    45. Goals / conversions 

    46. Conversion rate 

    47. Revenue per visitor 

    48. Return on SEO investment 

    49. Growth 

    Want to learn more? Read the full SEO KPI report featuring insights from 129 marketing professionals here.  

    Editor’s note: If you need to track multiple SEO metrics across multiple tools, use a marketing dashboard software like Databox to consolidate all of your metrics into a central dashboard. The free SEO Overview dashboard below is a great example, showing key metrics from four different SEO tools.

    The 22 Email Marketing KPIs Every Team Should Track

    At its simplest, email marketing boils down to three things:

    • Was your email delivered to its intended recipients?
    • How many people opened it?
    • Did people take your desired action? 

    This starts with your open and click-through rates. 

    Jonathan Aufray of Growth Hackers says, “The priority is to get your emails opened. Once they’re opened, you can work on other metrics such as CTR or reply rate.” 

    Mallory Fetchu of SmartBug Media adds, “Your CTR is the gateway to conversions–the more people clicking, the better chance you have of getting that person to take the desired action.”

    While the marketers we surveyed cited 22 different email marketing metrics to look at. All of them boiled down to deliverability, open rates, and conversions.

    1. Open rate
    2. Mobile open rate 
    3. Total opens v. unique opens
    4. Opening time 
    5. Repeat opens 
    6. Email bounce rate
    7. Deliverability 
    8. Link clicks 
    9. Click-through rate (CTR) 
    10. Unsubscribers 
    11. Unsubscribe rate per email 
    12. Subscribers v. unsubscribers 
    13. Conversions 
    14. Purchase rate 
    15. Return on ad spend 
    16. Revenue per open email 
    17. Revenue per subscriber 
    18. Time spent viewing emails 
    19. Active audience
    20. Warm reply rate
    21. Spam score
    22. Email client

    Interested in learning more? Read the full Email Marketing KPI report featuring tips from a few dozen marketers. 

    *Editor’s note: Get a clearer picture of the activity happening on your website when subscribers leave their inbox with our Email Traffic Overview dashboard. You’ll be able to see which campaigns generate the most traffic, which subscribers clicked through, and much more:

    The 24 Social Media KPIs Every Marketer Should Track

    Many marketers question the effectiveness of social media these days. 

    Countless studies, like this one from RivalIQ, show that post engagement and referral traffic from social networks are on the decline.

    As Adzerk’s Chris Shuptrine says: “You can’t only measure one social media metric to get a real sense of how your social media marketing effort is shaping up.” 

    Social media marketing is nuanced, and your success depends on your company’s specific goals, and you execute on your strategy. 

    In fact, from the marketers we surveyed, many still found Facebook to be the most effective for driving website traffic.  

    When it came to measuring new leads from social media, it was a first-place tie between Facebook and Linkedin. 

    As you can see, companies are still seeing results from social media marketing. However, with added skepticism, it is more important than ever to track and analyze your social media strategy to see if it’s worth the investment. 

    Here are the 24 social media metrics that matter the most. 

    1. Engagement 
    2. Engagement-to-reach ratio (for Facebook and Instagram) 
    3. Click-through-rate 
    4. Click-through volume 
    5. Landing page views
    6. Referral traffic
    7. Demographics 
    8. Conversions 
    9. Leads
    10. Interactions 
    11. Impressions 
    12. Follower growth rate 
    13. Unique visitors
    14. Quality Score (for Facebook and Instagram Ads) 
    15. Influence / Share of voice 
    16. Sentiment 
    17. Mentions
    18. Return on time invested 
    19. Ad frequency 
    20. Cost per action (Ads) 
    21. Most popular posts
    22. Branded hashtag use 
    23. Video completion rate 
    24. Consistency   

    Want to learn more? Read the full Social Media KPI report featuring tips from 95 marketers.  

    Editor’s note: To see follower growth on all of your social channels in a single view, download this free Social Networks Overview dashboard.

    The 10 Most-Important Influencer Marketing KPIs 

    What marketing has the highest ROI on average – – – SEO, content marketing, brand marketing, etc? 


    For many brands, the channel with the best return on investment is influencer marketing. 

    According to our survey, nearly 56% of marketers we surveyed said that influencer marketing was highly effective for their businesses. 

    Just like social media and SEO, the metrics that marketers are using to measure their influencer marketing campaigns varies based on their goals. 

    There are plenty of missteps that brands can make, especially at the start, such as overvaluing an influencer’s follower count. 

    Hotel Jules‘ Will Hatton says, “It doesn’t matter how many followers or likes a person has if nobody engages with the post. 0.1% of a million followers is 1000 engagements, whereas 10% of 10,00 followers is the same.”

    Influencer marketing goals can range from brand awareness and traffic to new email signups, leads, and sales. 

    Here are the top ten metrics that marketers are evaluating, including: 

    1. ROI
    2. Conversions
    3. Cost per Click (CPC)
    4. Click-through Rate (CTR)
    5. Referral traffic
    6. List growth
    7. Influencer audience loyalty
    8. Channel authority
    9. Engagement
    10. Reach

    Want to learn more? Read the full Influencer Marketing KPI report featuring insights from dozens of marketers here. 

    *Editor’s note: If you are working with Instagram influencers, grab our Instagram Business Post Performance dashboard and see how well your influencer collaborations are impacting your KPIs:

    11 Brand Marketing KPIs Worth Tracking

    Can you place a tangible number on brand awareness and adoption?

    This is a question that marketers have been struggling with for decades. 

    Kameron Jenkins of Botify says, “Some brands spend years finding their north star metric, but that’s just it – it’s their north star metric, not everyone’s. My advice for anyone looking to better measure brand marketing is twofold: 1) Give your brand goals more granularity – brand awareness as one goal, brand sentiment as another, etc. and then pick goals to match. It’ll be a lot easier! 2) Don’t rule out qualitative! Send out surveys, talk to your customers, talk to non-customers in your target audience. Are they aware of your brand? Do they know what you do? How does your brand make them feel? Use that feedback to improve, then repeat.”

    In fact, it turns out how marketers are measuring brand marketing in one or more of these three ways: 

    • How customers spend 
    • What they say 
    • How they behave 

    And, these are the specific metrics that marketers are tracking on a regular basis. 

    1. Customer Retention Rate, Loyalty, Lifetime Value
    2. Sales, Profit, and Revenue 
    3. Conversions and Acquisition
    4. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)
    5. Sentiment, Awareness, Engagement, and Reputation
    6. Social Mentions & Engagement
    7. Share of Voice
    8. Net Promoter Score (NPS)
    9. Off-page SEO, Branded Search, Organic Search
    10. Bounce Rate, Time on Page
    11. Search Volume, Traffic, and Type

    Interested in learning more? Read the full Brand Marketing KPI report featuring insights from more than 60 marketers here. 

    Editor’s Note: Want to understand how your website sessions are contributing to your brand and pipeline? You can find data on the HubSpot Marketing Marketer Drilldown (Sessions) dashboard, and get insight into how the numbers fit together.

    13 Product Marketing KPIs Every Team Should Be Tracking

    Brand market share, product usage, new feature adoption, revenue, net promoter score, customer sentiment – – –  what’s the most important metric for product marketers to track?

    This is an ongoing debate among product marketers. 

    Some believe that revenue is the ultimate north star. 

    Matcha‘s Shauna Ward says, “The most important KPI every product marketing team should track is revenue because ultimately, product marketing is responsible for the commercial success of the product.” 

    Others think measuring customer sentiment is the most important. 

    “Tracking customer sentiment is highly important to understand how to improve a product or service and make it appealing for consumers to buy,” says Amy Hernandez of “This is especially important in an age where customers voice their opinions all over the internet via social media and online reviews for thousands to see. Because of this visibility, it is best to put your best foot forward and be in the know of how people are feeling.”

    We took a closer look and examined the top 13 metrics that product marketers are tracking, including:

    1. Frequency of high-value actions
    2. Product usage
    3. Number of contacts
    4. Revenue
    5. Assisted conversions
    6. Qualified leads
    7. Cost per acquisition
    8. Sales close rate
    9. Customer lifetime value
    10. Net promoter score
    11. Customer sentiment
    12. Market share
    13. Product description clarity

    Want to learn more? Read the full Product Marketing KPI report featuring the insights from dozens of marketers here.  

    *Editor’s note: Struggling to understand how many sales you’re getting per product? Break down your site’s revenue with our Google Analytics Product Revenue dashboard. It shows the performance of each product alongside key financial metrics like average order value and revenue by device.


    From content marketing, social media, and SEO to brand marketing and product marketing, these are the top KPIs that marketers are using. 

    As you can see, there’s a lot of overlap among channels. For example, with revenue and lead generation being north stars for marketing as a whole, it is no surprise that KPIs such as revenue, MQLs, SQLs, conversion rate, and more appear across multiple channels.  

    If you need a quick and easy way to track your marketing KPIs, we suggest to create custom KPI Scorecards for high-level metrics and have a complete picture of how the business is performing.

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    Article by
    Jessica Malnik

    Jessica Malnik is a content strategist and copywriter for SaaS and productized service businesses. Her writing has appeared on The Next Web, Social Media Examiner, SEMRush, CMX, Help Scout, Convince & Convert, and many other sites.

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