Wondering how to build a comprehensive report on your company’s / client’s Instagram account performance? As a marketer, you can’t only provide an overview of ...
Snooping around trying to understand the difference between dashboard vs report and when to use each? Get this: A marketing dashboard is a collection of ...
About 50% of consumers say they’d switch to a new brand if they experience bad customer service. while 80% even say they’d go to a ...
There’s more to developing and running a business than simply providing a quality service or a good product. While these things are undoubtedly essential, customers ...
There is nothing more embarrassing for a marketer than to hear a client say “…this doesn’t quite address the business questions that we need to ...
Sending the same report to everyone is a rookie move. Instead, you need to cater your report to the things that each key stakeholder cares ...
Everyone who’s been in the SEO industry knows how frustrating metrics fluctuations can be — especially considering the time it takes for you to see ...
Wondering how to use customer data to improve your marketing? Admittedly, the insights that customer data delivers help not just improve your marketing but also ...
Need some help with data processing and using pivot tables in Google Sheets? Then you are at the right place. Spreadsheets are very useful for ...
Most people overcomplicate the process of reporting on marketing and advertising campaigns. They spend too much time aggregating and collecting campaign data and not nearly ...
Ever since Google Analytics was first launched, the feature of sharing reports with other users has been there. I’d even say that this feature is ...
Here’s the thing: no amount of best practices, tips, and tricks can ready you for creating your business intelligence report like a BI report example ...
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