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    Not every LinkedIn ad campaign you run is going to be a success.

    And it’d continue being a flop or an average success unless you track its performance to improve it.

    How, you ask? By using LinkedIn Pixel.

    Like Facebook Pixel, LinkedIn Pixel is a magic code that uses cookies to tell you what happens to leads that leave the platform to visit your site and vice versa.

    Having this information, in turn, helps you study which campaigns are doing good, how you can optimize them, and who you should be retargeting.

    So, in this piece, let’s talk about remarketing using LinkedIn pixel. We’ll cover:

    LinkedIn Marketing Dashboard Template by Databox

    What is LinkedIn Pixel?

    A LinkedIn Pixel, also known as Insight Tag, is a piece of code that LinkedIn offers for tracking a visitor/lead’s journey after they leave the platform and visit your website.

    For instance, if a visitor ends up buying from you, the pixel registers it. This way, enabling the code allows you to track your LinkedIn ad campaign’s performance.

    Plus, you can use the information – for example, data on leads that didn’t convert but were in the process of filling your lead gen form – to retarget visitors.

    Not sure if the feature can help you? You will be once you learn that 60% of the folks we surveyed said remarketing using LinkedIn pixel has helped them increase their click rate.

    The same number also agreed LinkedIn remarketing has increased their click-through rate (CTR). Some 55% also shared that they increased their post-click conversion rates.

    LinkedIn Pixel benefits

    Essentially, the folks in our respondents’ pool are people from agencies where the majority (29%) has a LinkedIn advertising budget of either $1000-$2500 or $2501-$5000 per client. So it’s safe to say that they’ve good experience with LinkedIn advertising.

    Average monthly budget for LinkedIn Advertising

    With that, let’s help you set up the magic code.

    Related: 9 Popular LinkedIn Ads Features That Will Help You Reach The Perfect Audience

    How to Create a LinkedIn Pixel?

    To enable LinkedIn Insight tag:

    • Head to LinkedIn Campaign Manager
    • Go to Accounts Asset and choose Insight Tag from the drop down menu
    • Click on Manage Insight Tag here and select See Tag
    • Select the “I will install the tag myself” checkbox next to get your hands on the Pixel code

    You’re almost done now. What’s left to do is to go to your sites’ backend and paste the tag.

    How to Use LinkedIn Pixels for Remarketing Campaigns?

    Now that you are clear on what this feature does and how to install it, let’s show you its full potential. Use it in the following ways:

    1. Track site visits for conversions
    2. Gather website demographics for free leads
    3. Retarget visitors to turn them into subscribers
    4. Retarget with content and build customer journey as you go
    5. Build audiences for key website areas
    6. Gather indirect feedback on campaigns
    7. Retarget with personalized ads

    1. Track site visits for conversions

    The most common way to use LinkedIn Pixels is to use it for tapping into folks visiting your site. This way, you can retarget by website as the majority (42.6%) of our respondents do so.

    The rest retarget by lead generation form (33.9) and videos (23.5).

    LinkedIn retargeting campaign types

    Impulse Creative’s Rachel Satow shares their experience with website remarketing. “The most successful way I’ve used the LinkedIn Pixel was to track site visits and to ensure that key conversions, like specific form fills or page views of certain products, are set as events.

    This way, your retargeting efforts can be based on the exact things you know an audience member has seen on your site.”

    Put another way, you can retarget your audience by showing them exactly what attracted them or resonated with them in the first place.

    “You then also have the ability to layer or ’narrow’ these website audiences further with attributes and demographics,” Satow comments. “This allows you to weed out site visitors who may not have fit your Ideal customer profile or buyer persona.

    For example, if you have an influx of traffic to your site from a high-reaching ad, you can then take that large retargeting audience, layer it with job titles, company sizes, etc. that fit your ICP or Personas, and retarget more appropriate audiences.”

    2. Gather website demographics for free leads

    Using LinkedIn Pixel the right way helps ensure you don’t lose out on important leads.

    “Once the LinkedIn Pixel (Insight Tag) is on your website, then LinkedIn Campaign Manager will report Website Demographics, including company names of your most frequent visitors,” highlights Anthony Blatner from Speedwork Social.

    “Take that list on a monthly basis – whichever companies are not currently customers or prospects, have your sales team reach out to them. They’re free leads!”

    Cocodoc’s Alina Clark commends the same way to use LinkedIn Pixel for remarketing. “In hindsight, the biggest advantage of using the LinkedIn pixel feature is the fact that we get to know who visited the site, and how the visit converted in the long run.

    “Our retargeting comes from tracking lost leads. Knowing which visitor bounced, or left your site with no CTR allows you to create a customer persona for the customer, and to customize retargeting campaigns for such customers,” Clark notes.

    “Marketing depends on data. You can’t really do anything without enough. Using the pixel feature on our website allows us to collect the data needed to sharpen our marketing with ease.”

    In fact, Clark opines “the pixel feature works wonders in creating a foundation for personalized remarketing. It has also helped us create efficient LinkedIn marketing campaigns.”

    Jeroen Van Gils from Lifi also suggests that you can retarget lost leads – ones who left filling out website forms in the middle – by gently nudging them. 

    “People who have started but not finished filling out a lead generation form will see display retargeting advertising with a reminder,” writes Van Gils.

    “The notion is that people who open your lead generation form intend to fill it out. Retarget them with extra chances to finish what they started if they become sidetracked. This technique comes in two forms:

    • Those who opened but did not finish a form on a LinkedIn ad and
    • Those users who opened but did not complete a form on your website”

    Related: 10 Ways to Improve Lead Quality with LinkedIn Campaign Groups

    3. Retarget visitors to turn them into subscribers

    While you can certainly remarket for conversions, you can also use the pixel feature to retarget for nurturing leads with content.

    In this regard, James Pollard from The Advisor Coach LLC insists, “the best way to use LinkedIn Pixel for retargeting is to retarget your website visitors to bring them back to subscribe to your email list.

    Your email list is almost always going to be the best form of ‘retargeting’ because you can email daily/weekly/monthly until people unsubscribe. Plus, you don’t have to pay per email.”

    “I personally retarget this way and it is one of my best-performing ads,” Pollard adds. “I retarget website visitors and exclude people who have visited the ‘thank you’ page after opting into my email list.”

    Related: 15 Ways to Get Maximum ROI From Your Newsletter

    4. Retarget with content and build customer journey as you go

    Building further on remarketing by nurturing leads with content, here’s a suggestion from Conversion.AI’s Alex Birkett.

    “I love mapping out various stages of the customer journey and creating content for those various points.”

    Birkett explains this stage by stage. “So you have top of the funnel content, which for us could be something like ‘what is copywriting,’ or ‘how to write SEO copy.’ And you have the bottom of the funnel content, which could be something like ‘best AI copywriting tools.’

    With LinkedIn remarketing, I can more effectively move people down the funnel by targeting those who have read a top of funnel piece, and remarketing to them with a blog post lower in the funnel (which I can then use to capture their information with a great offer or ebook).”

    Miranda Yan from VinPit adds to this. “There is a meager chance that every user who has come across your LinkedIn ad would go to your landing page. In addition to this, some of them might forget to make a conversion and never visit your website back again.”

    “And that is where remarketing with LinkedIn pixel comes to the picture,” Yan notes. “I use the insight Tag (LinkedIn pixel) for retargeting the audience or matching customers, both for content and video ads, personalize the lead forms, choose the engagement type for lost prospective customers and keep in mind all the reasonable practices throughout this process for best results.”

    5. Build audiences for key website areas

    Along the same lines, Sculpt’s Josh Krakauer suggests you retarget for the middle funnel using content. How? By leading visitors to key pages on your website like product pages, comparison blog posts, and so on.

    “Focus retargeting on the messy, middle funnel. For most B2B products, the buying journey isn’t a first-click purchase scenario,” Krakauer observes.

    “As prospects discover your content in the information gathering stage, don’t let them out of your sight. Use the LinkedIn tag to build audiences of visitors on key sections of the site, like high-intent blog posts and service/product pages.

    You will then create campaigns that cycle in a steady pulse of content offers to reach those same audience pools. For a change in placement, test sending Message Ads to those same retargeting audiences.”

    The team at TSL Marketing does this exactly. “We’ve done retargeting for all website visits (and seen benefits), but the tag really shines when you can use it to target people with content and offers based on pages in topical sets,” Ryan Nicholson shares.

    So instead of a pool of people that have just all visited the site, we see success targeting people who were on a common set of pages within a similar topic area.”

    That said, Nicholson warns: “If your site or various sets of pages don’t get a fairly large amount of traffic, then it makes it hard to run a campaign since your ad segmentation has to reach a minimum of 300 LinkedIn members.”

    In order to effectively manage and analyze the data mentioned above, utilizing marketing reporting software can greatly simplify the process. These tools provide comprehensive dashboards, customizable reports, and data visualization features that allow marketers to efficiently track and measure the performance of their LinkedIn content campaigns.

    6. Gather indirect feedback on campaigns

    In addition to remarketing with content and for conversions, you can also use the feature to gather feedback on your campaigns. How? By studying the campaigns that convert the best and those that don’t.

    Olivia Tan of CocoFax talks about it. “The LinkedIn Pixel focuses on giving you better insights into the traffic generated from this platform to your website or application.

    You can also understand the behavior of your visitors to get indirect feedback on your campaign. Indicators like average CPC, page views, average visitor time helps you improve your funnel by working on the specific problem. Hence, it is a perfect option for businesses to get some leads online.”

    7. Retarget with personalized ads

    Finally, you can create better, more relevant, and personalized ads using the LinkedIn Insight Tag.

    Creatopy’s Csilla Borsos elaborates, “The LinkedIn Pixel makes it possible to retarget audiences in various phases of their buyer journey, based on website visitors. You can also combine these audiences if you want to be more specific.

    For instance, if I want to create a user list that saw our promotional videos. but at the same time, they also visited a page that is important for our business, I can easily do this.”

    Related: LinkedIn Ads Best Practices: 10 Tips for Running Successful Campaigns

    “Hence, you can personalize your ads better and show them something interesting and valuable,” Borsos concludes. “Also, you can set up a Lookalike Audience: if one of the audiences that you’re retargeting performs well, you can try and reach people with similar behavior to theirs.”

    LinkedIn Marketing Dashboard Template by Databox

    LinkedIn pixel is a great way to understand your target audience and their interests, optimize ad campaigns, and nurture leads into subscribers and buyers. The options are countless, really. Simply decide which of these tactics you want to try first and stick with it to see positive results.