Marketing plans are crucial to executing an effective marketing strategy. But they’re not easy to write – or read, for that matter. In order to ...
Most companies are sitting on a mountain of useful product, sales, and customer data. However, just because you have the data doesn’t mean it is ...
HubSpot is a comprehensive CRM platform that provides (almost) everything you might need to improve the way you run a business. It has its own ...
A good marketing strategy report can make or break your business. How? Well, this is the report that will help senior management decide whether the ...
After meticulous research about what your customers want, you published your content. It may have consisted of blog posts, case studies, e-books, case studies, or ...
Automation is a must-have for most of today’s businesses. In fact, 66% of organizations have tried or integrated automation in their business processes. Is your ...
Wondering how to build a comprehensive report on your company’s / client’s Instagram account performance? As a marketer, you can’t only provide an overview of ...
Snooping around trying to understand the difference between dashboard vs report and when to use each? Get this: A marketing dashboard is a collection of ...
About 50% of consumers say they’d switch to a new brand if they experience bad customer service. while 80% even say they’d go to a ...
There’s more to developing and running a business than simply providing a quality service or a good product. While these things are undoubtedly essential, customers ...
There is nothing more embarrassing for a marketer than to hear a client say “…this doesn’t quite address the business questions that we need to ...
Everyone who’s been in the SEO industry knows how frustrating metrics fluctuations can be — especially considering the time it takes for you to see ...
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