New in Databox: Pull Deeper Insights from Your Facebook Ad Campaigns with 25+ New Metric Types

Author's avatar Product and Design UPDATED Dec 17, 2021 PUBLISHED Oct 8, 2020 3 minutes read

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    Peter Caputa

    To see what Databox can do for you, including how it helps you track and visualize your performance data in real-time, check out our home page. Click here.

    Well, actually, if you include all the different dimensions you can filter those metrics by, it comes out to 522 new metrics that you can use to report on your Facebook ad performance.

    How many views did your video advertisement receive?

    How many people added payment info after seeing your ad? And from which ones?

    How many people added your product to their cart?

    With the new Facebook Ads Action Type metrics that are now available in Databox’s Query Builder, you’ll have less questions and more answers.

    *What’s Query Builder? It’s an advanced funcionality built within Databox that allows you to customize specific metrics by dimensions and other objects in order to dig deeper into your performance data.

    Facebook Ads Dashboard Template

    What are Facebook Ads Action Metrics?

    An ‘action’ on Facebook Ads is simply any activity that occurs when someone is viewing your ad.

    It’s every comment, like, video view, link clink, add to cart, and more.

    While you’re able to track all your ad actions in Facebook itself, it’s time consuming and challenging when you’re trying to compare your ad engagement from Facebook to engagement from other paid channels. (How else would you prioritize which channels to invest more/less in?)

    With the new Facebook ‘action type’ metrics now available in Databox, you can measure campaign engagement more easily.

    Which Facebook Ads Metrics Were Added to Query Builder?

    We’ve added an Action field in the Metric dropdown in Query Builder. Once you select Facebook Ads as your data source, this will allow you to access action types.

    Here are all the Facebook Ads Action Type metrics that we’ve added to Query Builder as well as the associated dimensions that you can use to dig for even deeper insights..

    • Post Comments
    • Post Saves
    • Adds Payment Info
    • Adds to Cart
    • Adds to Wishlist
    • Initiates Checkout
    • Purchases
    • Searches
    • Views Content
    • Page Photo Views
    • Post Shares
    • Post Reactions
    • 3-Second Video Views
    • Custom Conversions defined by the Advertiser
    • Onsite Conversion
    • Onsite Conversion Lead Grouped
    • Leadgen Grouped
    • Add Payment Info
    • Omni Add to Cart
    • Add to Wishlist
    • Omni Initiated Checkout
    • Omni Purchase
    • Omni Search
    • Omni View Content
    • Add to Cart
    • Initiate Checkout
    • Purchase
    • Search
    • View Content

    And the best part? They can be further filtered by these dimensions:

    • Ad
    • Ad Set
    • Age
    • Age & Gender
    • Campaign
    • Country
    • Device Platform
    • Dma
    • Frequency Value
    • Gender
    • Hourly Stats Aggregated By Advertiser Time Zone
    • Hourly Stats Aggregated By Audience Time Zone
    • Impression Device
    • Place Page Id
    • Placement
    • Product Id
    • Publisher Platform
    • Region

    Getting Started

    For current Databox users, log in to your Databox account to check out the additional Facebook Ad metrics.

    New to Databox? Start by creating your free account. From there, you’ll be able to connect your data from more than 70 different platforms.

    If you have any questions or need help getting set up, you can visit our Knowledge Base or send us a message at and let us know which metrics you’re looking to track.

    Facebook Ads Dashboard Template
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    Article by
    Tamara Omerovic

    Tamara is Content Editorial Manager at Databox. She is an SEO aficionado, a coffee addict, and a huge museum lover! When she's not working or writing, she enjoys visiting an art gallery, drinking her 5th coffee with her friends, or playing video games.

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