The 22 Best Ecommerce Blogs for Online Retailers in 2021

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    Peter Caputa

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    Whether you are thinking about starting an eCommerce business or just launched one, you are probably on the lookout for valuable resources that can help you improve and grow your business further.

    While there is no shortage of high-quality eCommerce blogs to delve into, we were wondering which eCommerce blogs are the best of the best and the ones that every online retailer should follow in 2021?

    Before we dive in and share our top picks, here are a couple of takeaways that helped us to come up with this list.

    Of the eCommerce pros we surveyed, about 45% of them read fewer than 5 eCommerce blogs.

    how many ecommerce blogs are you currently subscribed to?

    And there was a slight preference for reading blogs from service and agency providers over software companies. 

    are you more likely to subscribe to the blog of an ecommerce software company or service/agency provider?

    Let’s take a closer look at the top 22 eCommerce blogs that our readers recommend, including: 

    1. Shopify
    2. BigCommerce
    3. WooCommerce
    4. PracticalEcommerce
    5. Bootstrapping Ecommerce
    6. A Better Lemonade Stand
    7. Common Thread Collective
    8. ECommerce CEO
    9. Digital Commerce 360
    10. EcommerceBytes
    11. Sleeknote
    12. Privy
    13. Yotpo
    14. eCommerceFuel
    15. ECommerce Tech
    16. My Wife Quit Her Job
    17. Oberlo
    18. Yieldify
    19. HubSpot
    20. SEO By The Sea
    21. Sumo
    22. OptinMonster

    From eCommerce software companies to service providers, here are the best eCommerce blogs to follow in 2021. 

    1. Shopify

    shopify blog

    As the largest eCommerce platform, it is no surprise that Shopify would also be the most popular blog on our list. 

    “I always love to take advice from industry leaders, and in this case, that title goes to Shopify,” says Aaron Haynes of Loganix. “Shopify’s eCommerce blog is packed with the latest news, discussions, examples, and success stories from the field. It’s very active and consistent, so there’s something interesting to see each week.” 

    Emily Gertenbach of (e.g.) creative content says, “While I work on multiple platforms, I enjoy the Shopify Partners blog’s quick roundups of changing trends — and I think it’s useful to keep an eye on what Shopify is doing, considering their platform’s reach and accessibility.”

    Ronit Levy of Simple SEO Systems adds, “They consistently provide valuable information on trends within digital marketing, website optimization, and overall consumer behavior. I like how they combine technology with an appreciation for consumer behavior. Ultimately, all of the digital marketing in the world isn’t worth much if you’re not in touch with what people currently value and are willing to spend money on.” 

    The topics covered on the Shopify and Shopify Plus blogs range from topics for brand new eCommerce businesses to advanced topics for 8+ figure plus sellers. 

    Amit Raj of Amit Digital Marketing says, “The Shopify blog is a great resource for anyone starting an online business. It provides value with insights backed by data and statistics. While the focus is on ecommerce, the lessons often can be transferred across to other industries as well. 10/10 – highly recommended.

    Luana Spinetti adds, “It goes over ecommerce topics thoroughly and it provides practical how-tos. Also, the language used is simple and each article makes for a quick read.

    I find the Shopify Blog helpful every time I have to do research for a piece that covers ecommerce as well as to learn ecommerce best practices to plan the setup of the selling part of my own business.” 

    2. BigCommerce 

    bigcommerce blog

    Another eCommerce platform with a great blog full of longform, in-depth posts is BigCommerce

    “I subscribe to several eCommerce blogs, but I continually go back to BigCommerce for insight and inspiration,” says Ashley Cummings. “I’m a freelance writer and content marketer for eCommerce and SaaS companies, so blogs with an ideal content marketing strategy appeal to me the most.

    BigCommerce is the gold standard for what long-form content should look like. The insights are highly relevant to people looking to grow an eCommerce business, the posts are well-researched and perfectly optimized for search, and claims are supported with expert advice and current data.

    BigCommerce doesn’t recycle what everyone else is writing. It adds to the larger conversation with a unique and informative take on e-commerce innovation and best practices.

    Anyone writing about eCommerce or looking to start an eCommerce business should subscribe to BigCommerce.” 

    Related: Top 25 B2B Blogs Every Marketer Should Follow for Content Inspiration

    3. WooCommerce 

    woocommerce blog

    If you are looking for how to integrate WordPress and WooCommerce, then the WooCommerce blog is worth a read. 

    “One of my most favorite blogs is the Woocommerce blog,” says Bryan Philips of In Motion Marketing. “As I use Woocommerce for a lot of the sites I work with, it helps me figure out how to integrate other software, features, and processes with Woocommerce to take it to the next level.” 

    4. PracticalEcommerce 

    practicalecommerce blog

    PracticalEcommerce reads more like a digital magazine than a blog. It covers everything from industry trends and case studies to marketing, Amazon, and more. 

    Jake Rheude of Red Stag Fulfillment adds, “I particularly appreciate the writing that Armando Roggio does. He has such pure journalistic skills and covers a lot of interesting aspects within a variety of niches related to eCommerce. His trend pieces (eg, 5 Essentials for eCommerce Site Search for 2021) always seem to contain original and cutting-edge ideas, despite the fact that most of these pieces are hacked together from whatever is already ranking top on Google. I genuinely learn something new whenever I read one of his pieces.” 

    5. Bootstrapping Ecommerce 

    bootstrapping ecommerce blog

    If you are just starting out and bootstrapping an eCommerce business, Bootstrapping Ecommerce offers a fluff-free view of what you need to know. 

    Dimitris Tsapis of Retail CRM Cloud says, “The blog tells things how they really are with no fluff or just plain theory. The writer – Shabbir is honest and transparent about his experiences on the ecommerce path.” 

    Elizabeth Hicks of Parentingnerd adds, “He talks about various topics such as lessons on conversion optimization, which are quite helpful for someone like me whose business’ focus is solely on generating leads from social media. I’m planning on moving towards Amazon as well, and for that purpose, Shabbir’s blog is quite helpful for me as he has tonnes of experience with generating business through Amazon and has been quite successful with it as well.” 

    6. A Better Lemonade Stand 

    a better lemonade stand blog

    If you are looking for a mix between inspiration and education, then the blog- A Better Lemonade Stand – is another solid read. 

    “As an eCommerce company, I love the Better Lemonade Stand blog,” says Yuvi Alpert of Noemie. “It’s goal is to help eCommerce businesses build a thriving online store through education, inspiration, and technical advice. I believe it provides a holistic overview of the interests and struggles of e-commerce shop owners, and it has a positive outlook on the every-day choices we have to make as online business owners. 

    The Better Lemonade Stand helps me stay on the cutting edge of eCommerce, and their free video training webinars are a great resource for anyone just starting their eCommerce journey.” 

    David Alexander of Pixelloop agrees, “They have always shared actionable articles that help eCommerce website builders and owners and I don’t think I have found anyone else like them. They also have a sizable community of eCommerce store owners you can network with.

    I recommend this website to all of the clients I build eCom sites for and while I lean more toward WooCommerce and A Better Lemonade Stand prefer Shopify, a lot of the information they share is platform agnostic.” 

    7. Common Thread Collective 

    common thread collective blog

    Common Thread Collective offers tactical marketing and advertising insights for DTC brands. Since they have both their own brands and work with clients, they are able to provide extremely comprehensive articles. 

    “I value the Common Thread Collective blog for the nuance and expertise they offer,” says Laura Bosco. “They surface so much data and so many real-life examples, all wrapped up in entertaining writing. It is incredibly helpful.” 

    8. ECommerce CEO 

    ecommerce ceo blog

    ECommerce CEO is a good read for anyone interested or currently running a dropshipping business. 

    “The eCommerce CEO presents reliable knowledge about starting an eCommerce business, starting your shop, marketing, and striving toward long-term victory,” says Will Cannon of Signaturely. “Articles cover each step of the method from originating with a good business idea forward. Targeted at businesspeople, an Ecommerce CEO carries all the significant information collectively to help lead you through various features of your business from marketing to product review, and more.” 

    9. Digital Commerce 360 

    digital commerce 360 blog

    Similar to PracticalEcommerce, Digital Commerce 360 is another industry magazine that covers all aspects of eCommerce.  

    “Digital Commerce 360 is an eCommerce mega-site that covers B2B E-Commerce World, Internet Retailer, and more to draw together an extensive collection of the most cutting-edge digital marketing report, analysis, and other information,” says Julian Goldie of Goldie Agency.

    “Daily updates will keep you on course on eCommerce inclinations and apprised of upcoming webinars and other events. If you crave even more, you can sign up for a prepaid subscription that gives you entrance to complete guides on every perspective of building and running an online store.” 

    10. EcommerceBytes 

    ecommercebytes blog

    If you are looking for quick, regular updates on the pulse of the industry, then read ECommerceBytes

    “I have found EcommerceBytes to be the best ecommerce blog to give you accurate reporting about ecommerce and the latest trends in the industry,” says Ansh Gupta of Buy Sell Empire. “This blog has given me the best and deepest insight into the ecommerce industry with quick and precise reporting. Their reporting has made some of the major news agencies to quote them repeatedly.” 

    11. Sleeknote 

    sleeknote blog

    Similar to BigCommerce’s approach, Sleeknote does a great job of writing 10x comprehensive articles. 

    “Sleeknote’s blog is a great go-to place for anything ecommerce,” says Jonathan Delfs of Dating Twists. “Their SaaS is targeted eCommerce businesses, so their content is aimed to be highly relevant for online business owners and managers.

    Their CEO, Morten, has great experience with user testing, UX, CRO, and split-tests and shows people how to learn from the biggest and best websites out there. Some of these tools are also but into their own software. But often the content on the blog is just for the readers only, no strings attached, or any self-promotion when explaining the subject in depth.

    One thing I love about the blog is their super LONG skyscraper articles about a given topic. Like this one giving us 15 e-commerce marketing ideas.”  

    12. Privy 

    privy blog

    Privy is a premier eCommerce marketing blog. 

    “I’d be biased to say our own, but Privy is changing the game,” says Andrew Maffettone of BlueTuskr. “The amount of content they put out let alone the length and depth they get into is amazing. I check their blog weekly just to see what else they’ve been diving into.” 

    13. Yotpo 

    yotpo blog

    Another eCommerce marketing blog to add to your reading list is Yotpo

    Chris Prasad of JookSMS says, “The Yotpo Blog is always updated with valuable information regarding marketing, growth, and engagement. It shows how to build customer loyalty through user-generated marketing.” 

    14. eCommerceFuel 

    ecommercefuel blog

    If you are an established eCommerce entrepreneur, then the eCommerceFuel blog is a must-read. 

    Nate Rodriguez of LIFTOFF Digital adds, “The most useful ecommerce blog hands down without a doubt is Andrew who runs the site is a class act. He consistently has been putting out great content since 2013 and it’s highly relevant if you’re running an eCommerce store.” 

    15. ECommerce Tech 

    ecommerce tech blog

    If you are looking for a resource to find new eCommerce tools, then ECommerce Tech is a solid resource. 

    Jake Sucoff of Uppercase Brands says, “I’m constantly looking for new eCom tools and Derric has an incredible resource for sorting through the BS and giving me the info I need to make an informed decision.” 

    16. My Wife Quit Her Job 

    my wife quit her job blog

    For those just thinking about starting a business, then is worth a read. 

    “I love Steve’s analysis of different ecommerce business models and how he shares the tools and behind-the-scenes marketing strategies he uses for his ecommerce store,” says Nick Loper of Side Hustle Nation. “The accompanying podcast is great too.” 

    17. Oberlo 

    oberlo blog

    Oberlo’s blog is another great resource for newer dropshippers. 

    “For me, it’s the Oberlo blog,” says Nikola Roza of Nikola Roza- SEO for the Poor and Determined. “I especially like their success stories section ( because I believe that success leaves clues and that if you read enough tales of success, at one point you’ll get a eureka moment where things will click and you’ll know what to do, and what not to do to grow your biz.

    I binge-read Oberlo success stories whenever I feel down, or when one of my two dropshipping stores (or both) is in a prolonged sales slump.

    I binge-read and afterward feel inspired to take massive action.” 

    18. Yieldify 

    yieldify blog

    Looking to get into eCommerce CRO? Then, read Yieldify. 

    “One of the most useful eCommerce blogs I have found is Yieldify,” says Daniel Reeves of Dandy Marketing. “They focus on eCommerce website personalization and are experts in CRO, so the knowledge they share on their blog is extremely useful and actionable. The thing I like the best is they always provide awesome examples and back up claims with data. Either from their own case studies, or original research.

    They have content that is useful at all stages, whether it’s for an eCommerce manager looking for the latest trends in their industry, like this deep dive within the beauty industry. This literally contains everything you would need to know.

    Or actionable advice and strategies like this blog focused on helping eCommerce websites build their email list. Again it’s full of actionable ideas, with great examples.

    They sometimes even go one step further and provide free templates, such as the one on this guide to product detail pages. 

    You’ll see the theme here, again it’s full of analysis, ideas, examples, and best practices that can help eCommerce professionals.” 

    19. HubSpot 

    hubspot blog

    This is one of the few blogs we’re adding to this list that isn’t an eCommerce specific blog. And for good reason, HubSpot is the OG blog for all things inbound marketing. They even invented the term. 

    “As a digital marketing expert, HubSpot is my all-time favorite eCommerce blog, and I continually get value from it,” says Tim Culpepper of Conexa. “Hubspot blog is very comprehensive and a gold mine for e-commerce business owners. This blog is helpful to learn how to become an epic content marketer, maximize ROI on PPC advertising, thrive on social media, and much more. I get value from the HubSpot blog because it explains everything that I need to build a solid strategy, including bidding, choosing the right keyword, target audience, and so on.” 

    20. SEO By The Sea 

    seo by the sea blog

    If you are looking to brush up on your SEO skills, then the SEO By The Sea blog is a great read. 

    “Undoubtedly, one of my favorite blogs for SEO and eCommerce is from one of the OG’s, Bill Slawski, and his seminal blog, SEO By The Sea,” says Nathan Thompson of Iakoe. “Bill has been ahead of the curve in exploring search engine patents since day dot and is usually years ahead of most other SEOs in predicting how the face of search engines will look in the future. He also offers practical, sober advice on how to optimize your site from a technical point of view.” 

    Related: These Are the 35 Best SEO Blogs According to 127 Readers

    21. Sumo 

    sump blog

    If you are a brand new eCommerce business looking for practical marketing strategies and tactics, then the Sumo blog is a must-read. 

    Heinrich Long of Restore Privacy says, “Sumo is a beautifully built eCommerce blog that can help any business build a comprehensive marketing platform through stories and marketing lessons.” 

    22. OptinMonster 

    optinmonster blog

    While not exclusively eCommerce focused, the OptinMonster blog offers practical advice related to conversion rate optimization (a.k.a. CRO). 

    “OptinMonster has some of the most extensive articles on eCommerce, CRO, etc,” says Nissar Ahamed of “Their articles are filled with in-depth articles most long-form (more than 3000+ words), plus screenshots, etc. They always provide examples and case studies.” 


    In sum, whether you are thinking about launching an eCommerce site, have a brand new business, or been at it for a few years, these blogs are worth a read. You can learn everything from dropshipping and tips for negotiating with suppliers to customer service, marketing best practices, and marketing reporting software.  

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    Article by
    Jessica Malnik

    Jessica Malnik is a content strategist and copywriter for SaaS and productized service businesses. Her writing has appeared on The Next Web, Social Media Examiner, SEMRush, CMX, Help Scout, Convince & Convert, and many other sites.

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