New Integration: Track the Performance of Your Instagram Business Account

Author's avatar Product and Design UPDATED Jan 12, 2022 PUBLISHED Oct 3, 2018 4 minutes read

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    Ad spend on Instagram is growing at 4x the rate of Facebook Ads.

    Crazy, right?

    Keep in mind that this doesn’t mean ad spend on Facebook is declining. In fact, most marketers are spreading ad budget across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, and Instagram.

    Starting today, you can track and visualize performance from these ad platforms all in one place.


    Today, we’re officially rolling out our newest integration – Instagram Business.

    At launch, there are 25 Instagram Business metrics that you can track in Databox, including pre-configured Datablocks that you can drag-and-drop right into your dashboard–the data will populate with the visualization automatically.

    We’ve also created a few pre-built reports that will get you up and going as quickly as possible. All you need to do is connect your Instagram Business account and your data will populate in just a few seconds.

    Here’s a look at the pre-built reports we’ve put together for you…


    Pre-built reports for your Instagram Business account

    Visualize reach, impressions, follower demographics, and more

    Including the basics – like reach, impressions, and profiles visits – this template gives you a complete overview of your account’s performance.

    Which posts are most popular with your followers?

    Where are your followers located?

    What’s the gender breakdown of your Instagram following?

    Because this report is so comprehensive, it’s the quickest and easiest way to track performance in real-time, make strategic adjustments based on what you’re seeing in terms of engagement, and communicate the ROI of your Instagram activity to the rest of your team and/or clients.

    Grab the free template to get started.

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    Track engagement of specific posts, new followers, and overall posting activity

    Here’s where it gets fun…

    With this report, you’ll be able to drill down into the specific posts that are generating likes and comments. This helps signal the type of content your followers find most interesting, allowing you and your team to make adjustments based on the engagement you’re seeing both historically and in real time.

    Post more of what your followers love.

    Grab the free template to get started.

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    Get an even better understanding of your followers

    In this report, you’ll see a breakdown of important ad demographics like age, gender, and top locations of your followers.

    You’ll also be able to track new followers, your follower-to-follow rate, as well as the growth rate of your overall following.

    Grab the free template to get started.

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    Switching to an Instagram Business account

    Before you go any further, let’s make sure you’re using an Instagram Business account rather than a personal one.

    Instagram announced business accounts in 2016, and because many brands were already using Instagram prior to that, many of them may still be using personal accounts as their business account.

    By switching from a personal to a business account, you can:

    • Get real-time metrics on how your stories and promoted posts perform throughout the day.
    • Get insights into your followers and how they interact with your posts and stories.
    • Add information about your company like business hours, location and phone number.
    • Convert to a Business Account within your app account settings.

    Not sure how to switch from a personal to a business account? It’s easy. Here’s how:

    • Open the Instagram app and go to your profile
    • Click the “hamburger” icon in the top right corner
    • Click the gear/settings icon at the right bottom of the screen
    • Look for the Business section and select “Switch to Business Account.”

    Need more?

    Want to customize your Instagram reporting?

    You can create a dashboard from scratch and start visualizing all of the metrics from Instagram Business that you need.

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    Article by
    Tamara Omerovic

    Tamara is Content Editorial Manager at Databox. She is an SEO aficionado, a coffee addict, and a huge museum lover! When she's not working or writing, she enjoys visiting an art gallery, drinking her 5th coffee with her friends, or playing video games.

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