About the author
Stefana Zarić is a freelance writer & content marketer. Other than writing for SaaS and fintech clients, she educates future writers who want to build a career in marketing. When not working, Stefana loves to read books, play with her kid, travel, and dance.
Statistics, charts, ROI. Are you struggling to connect all the data in a way that indeed proves the value to your clients? You may not ...
News spreads fast online. And while there’s a popular belief that people are more likely to share a negative experience, especially if they received poor ...
19.84 percent — that’s the average email open rate across all industries as of June 2021. Now, if you’re tracking yours, you can compare it ...
When you’re dehydrated, you won’t stop until you find water to quench your thirst. You’ll have that unwavering commitment to finding something to drink, even ...
Two people with the same goal may have two very different strategies that they’ll use to reach that goal. Say they want to sell something ...
Imagine you’re still in school. Your essays, homework, and quizzes tell you how you’re doing in real-time, and if you’re not happy, you still have ...
There are two types of one-on-one meetings. In the first one, you’re not really sure why you’re there, and neither is the attendee. You just ...
You know that feeling – you walk into a shoe store, and the saleslady immediately recognizes you. She knows your size and your style, your ...
Too much of anything is good for nothing, goes the old saying. But the other one says, out of sight, out of mind. So, which ...
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