New in Databox: Predict Future Performance With Metric Forecasts

Author's avatar Product and Design UPDATED Feb 2, 2024 PUBLISHED Aug 8, 2023 6 minutes read

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    Peter Caputa

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    How many deals will you close next month? How many website sessions will you get? How many impressions will your social channels get? 

    When you don’t know what your performance will be, it’s hard to set realistic goals, craft a plan, or have the right team in place. You might not be able to predict the future, but now you can forecast it.  

    With our new Metric Forecasts tool, you can view historical data and seasonality, and calculate highly accurate predictions of your most important metrics. Say goodbye to guesswork and start making more confident, data-backed decisions. 

    Let’s get started!

    Make Better Plans and Decisions

    Making the right decisions for your business means knowing what might happen in the future. That’s where Databox Forecasts come into play. 

    Forecasts use historical data and machine learning to understand past trends and provide educated guesses on what the future might look like. While they can’t guarantee exact outcomes, Forecasts can help you: 

    • Plan for the future: Forecasts offer valuable insights into upcoming opportunities and challenges. You can use this knowledge to make more informed decisions and chart a clear path forward. 
    • Anticipate demand and seasonal trends: Using past data, Forecasts can help you uncover patterns and fluctuations in customer demand. This will help you confidently navigate market shifts and make sure your products or services remain relevant, regardless of changing trends. 
    • Optimize budget and resources: Make sure your budget and resources are used where they matter most. 
    • Align teams and stakeholders: Help everyone in your business understand where it’s heading in the future. With this, you can make sure your entire organization is working together towards common goals. 
    • Set more realistic goals: Align your goals with what’s achievable. Using forecasted values, you can avoid setting overly ambitious goals and increase your chances of success.
    • Gain a competitive advantage: Make informed decisions that set you apart from competitors.

    All Features

    Metric Forecasts provides a simple graph that makes it easy for anyone to forecast future performance. But that’s not all – 

    • Easily forecast any metric with at least 12 months of historical data. No unnecessary limitations – just valuable insights into the metrics that matter most to your business. 
    • Include Data Stories, easy-to-read summaries of your forecasted metrics, which add valuable context to your data. The best part is you can easily copy and share these insights with your team.
    • Compare forecasts to your goals and historical data, so you can update your plan in real-time. 
    • Forecast next month, quarter, or year – or customize it to your unique business needs for up to 24 months. 
    Metric forecast screen

    How to Forecast Your Performance 

    You can access Metric Forecasts by navigating to the Forecasts icon in the left-hand sidebar.

    How to Forecast Your Performance - step 1 

    Using the drop-down menu, select the metric you would like to see forecasted values for. The graph will then generate a forecast for the next 12 months, including data from the previous 6 months.

    How to Forecast Your Performance - step 2

    Now you have a few different options to customize your forecasts… 

    • Forecasting period: Use the drop-down to update your forecasting period. You can pick from This Month, This Year, or any custom range between 1 to 24 months. 
    • Historical data: Under the previous period, you can define the amount of historical data you want to show in your graph. This must be at least 2 months. 
    • Graph settings: You have the power to adjust how your forecasts appear. Simply choose how you want the data graphed – by day, week, or month. Then, use the toggle to change between cumulative and non-cumulative views. 

    Once you are done making your updates, make sure to click Apply to save your changes.

    Metric forecasts will show three different lines of forecasting: Forecast Value, Forecast Upper, and Forecast Lower. 

    • The Forecast Value line predicts the most likely outcome for your chosen metric, offering a clear idea of what to expect in the coming months. 
    • Forecast Upper shows the best-case scenario for your business. It gives you insights into the positive results you can achieve when things go exceptionally well. Use this line to help set ambitious goals and guide your business with confidence. 
    • On the other hand, Forecast Lower prepares you for worst-case scenarios – potential challenges or obstacles you might face. Use the forecast lower to proactively plan and craft smart strategies to tackle these uncertainties.

    The area between the forecast upper and the forecast lower is the confidence interval. It provides a range where the actual value is most likely to fall. A narrow interval means a more certain and precise estimate, while a wider interval indicates more variability. By understanding this interval, you can confidently plan for the future and make data-backed decisions for your business.

    So, let’s say you’re curious about your forecast for December. By hovering over the December data point on the chart, you’ll instantly view the forecasting levels and confidence interval for that specific month.

    analyzing your data with the metric forecast

    You can also easily choose which lines to view by using the checkboxes below the graph. This way, you’ll always see the most relevant information for your business! 

    Start Forecasting Your Performance Now

    Give your team valuable insights that help you set more realistic goals, create better strategies, and plan for the future with confidence. No more guessing – just data-backed insights to drive your business forward. 

    Try our “Growth” plan to experience the full potential of Forecasts and unlock AI-driven insights. From Dashboards and Reports to Goals, Alerts, and more, Databox offers a variety of tools to help you improve your performance.

    New to Databox? No problem. Getting started is easy! Create an account, connect your data from over 100+ platforms, build customizable dashboards, and generate insightful Reports – in minutes.

    Embrace the future of data analytics, predict your success with data-backed precision, and take control of your business’s performance!

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    Monise Branca

    Product Marketing Specialist at Databox

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