New in Databox: Onboard Clients Quicker by Sending Templated Carousels

Author's avatar Product and Design UPDATED Nov 9, 2018 PUBLISHED Nov 9, 2018 1 minute read

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    Peter Caputa

    To see what Databox can do for you, including how it helps you track and visualize your performance data in real-time, check out our home page. Click here.

    As you (may) already know, we’re passionate about helping agencies automate their client reports so they can spend less time hunting and gathering data, and more time analyzing and acting on it.

    Today, we’ve made it even easier to replicate reports across multiple client accounts with just one click.

    Most agencies have outlines for the monthly reports they deliver for clients. Traditionally, however, they need to hunt, gather, and paste all of the data they include (in the form of screenshots, spreadsheets, etc.) manually every single month for every single client.

    In the Databox app, we recommend agencies create Master Templates to use to efficiently onboard clients. Now, you can send a Databoard Carousel of these Master Templates into a client account with just one click.

    This works perfectly when you have a template Carousel that you want to replicate across several (or all) of your client accounts.

    All you’ll need to do is send that Carousel to the appropriate client account(s), and voilà, the data will populate automatically.

    (Note: If you’ve just brought on a new client, or are sending a Carousel to an account without the necessary data sources already connected, you’ll simply be prompted to connect those data sources after you send the Carousel. From there, the data will populate right away.)

    Basically what this means is you can create a client report once and send it to any other client accounts without having to repeat yourself. 

    Here’s a quick demonstration of how it works:

    Try it out

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    Article by
    Tamara Omerovic

    Tamara is Content Editorial Manager at Databox. She is an SEO aficionado, a coffee addict, and a huge museum lover! When she's not working or writing, she enjoys visiting an art gallery, drinking her 5th coffee with her friends, or playing video games.

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