How Ceros is Disrupting Content Marketing & Why You Need to Care

Author's avatar Ground Up Podcast UPDATED Sep 24, 2021 PUBLISHED Feb 1, 2018 2 minutes read

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    Peter Caputa

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    When’s the last time you sat down and read a 10,000-word PDF?

    Don’t worry, I can’t remember either.

    Our accessibility to content has never been greater. Text, audio, video–it’s all available in our pockets.

    This level of accessibility means that brands don’t just compete with other brands–they also compete with cat videos, social updates from friends who just had a baby, wedding albums, Instagram stories from celebrities, etc.

    Still, marketers crank away on content that doesn’t fit within this context. Static PDFs, infographics, or any other content that’s not easily consumed or engaging enough to steal our attention away from the latest viral video misses the opportunity to engage.

    Ceros first launched in 2013 to solve this.

    They had built a tool to help brands create more interactive and engaging content without the need for development resources, and the market was playing right into their hands.

    Matthew Wellschlager has been with Ceros since 2014, and since then, he’s seen the company achieve 70% YoY growth simply due to the amount of content that brands are creating.

    Even still, it’s easy to create a PDF. So what’s Ceros’ overall mission and how are they educating the market on the need for more engaging content?

    I recently caught up with Wellschlager to ask about that, as well as other stories for how Ceros has managed continuous and significant growth.

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    Article by
    Tamara Omerovic

    Tamara is Content Editorial Manager at Databox. She is an SEO aficionado, a coffee addict, and a huge museum lover! When she's not working or writing, she enjoys visiting an art gallery, drinking her 5th coffee with her friends, or playing video games.

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