Imagine that you are creating a digital marketing plan for the year. Which of the following goals sounds like it will actually motivate your team ...
Companies with more landing pages get more leads. Companies that blog more frequently get more traffic and leads. And email marketing done right can drive ...
Scenario: It’s the first Monday of the month, and you are presenting last month’s marketing results to your client. You feel pretty good about your ...
I like to think of myself as a strategic thinker and visionary. Ego-checking voices in my head tell me I shouldn’t say that because it ...
The end of the year is typically viewed as the time to stop and reflect on what has been accomplished over the last 12 months. ...
In today’s fast-paced business environment, becoming a data-driven organization is imperative. The only way to get an edge on business is to stay connected to ...
In my previous post, I talked briefly how companies that can afford expensive BI solutions are still using outdated, on-premise software, built mostly for desktops ...
Business Intelligence (BI) is the next ‘legacy’ multi-billion dollar industry that hasn’t changed much over the last few decades – and one that desperately needs ...
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