How to Automate Your Reporting Process with Databox

Author's avatar Reporting UPDATED Aug 10, 2022 PUBLISHED Aug 8, 2022 4 minutes read

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    Peter Caputa

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    Whether you’re creating reports for your clients or simply looking to improve your internal reporting process, manual reporting can be complicated and time-consuming. Copy and pasting the data you need from different tools into your own presentation takes time and leaves room for errors. Automating this process will not only save hours of work, it can improve the quality and cadence of your reports. 

    Automated scheduling & alerts

    If your organization is looking to improve data transparency or make more data-driven business decisions, reporting is essential. Regular reporting helps keep cross-functional teams aligned around the same business insights and allows them to adapt quickly to any unexpected changes. Automated reporting will save time and keep your reporting on track. 

    Reports automatically updated with latest data 

    With data constantly changing, reports go out of date soon after they are delivered. It can take hours to collect all of the updated numbers and gather screenshots of the data from across all of your tools. With Databox, the metrics in your reports will update automatically with the latest available data. If you’re reporting on the same metrics and dashboards at a regular cadence, this feature will save you hours of time compiling the latest data into your report. Just update any necessary text slides and your report is ready!

    Schedule alerts within Databox to ensure your reports are complete and meet any quality standards before being sent.  

    Set alerts to stay on top of your reports 

    Reporting is an essential part of running any business, but the process is easy to overlook. Whether you’re an agency compiling client reports,or an employee building out internal reports for your leadership team, you’re likely producing these reports at a regular cadence (weekly, monthly, etc.). Scheduling custom alerts will help you stay on top of your reports so you can create effective reports—on time, every time.

    Databox Reports gives you the ability to set these automated alerts directly in your account. The days of scrambling at the last minute to compile your reports are in the past. 

    To schedule an alert, click “Remind me” at the top of your report. 

    This pop-up will appear on the screen. Select the date and time you’d like to be reminded about your report.

    Once you have scheduled alerts, Databox will send an email directly to you at your selected date and time. From here, update your reports with any new context or insights uncovered since your last report. 

    Schedule automated sends 

    To be effective, reports need to be delivered to the right people at the right time. Never miss another report with Databox’s automated send feature. Include all of the necessary recipients and select the date and time you want the report to be sent. This will ensure your report is sent properly, even if you’re out of the office. 

    To schedule an automated send, click “Automate” at the top of your report. 

    From here, this pop-up will appear on your screen: 

    Include all your recipients’ emails, and the frequency of your automatic sends. This is fully customizable to meet your unique reporting needs. 

    Improve Business Decisions with Reporting 

    Reporting is an important process for anyone wanting to improve their business performance. With regular reporting, businesses can identify shifts in key metrics and adapt their strategy quickly to meet their goals. Reporting can also improve transparency across organizations and create cross-functional alignment. But manual reporting is tedious and time-consuming, making it easy to fall to the bottom of the priority list. 

    Databox Reports include automation features to make reporting quicker and easier so you can make reporting part of your workflow. Learn how to create effective reports with Databox and start improving your business performance today. 

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    Claire Sanford

    Product Marketing Manager

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