Hiten Shah has been building SaaS products for about 15 years. You may have used a few of them, including KISSmetrics or Crazy Egg. But recently, after coming off of two failed attempts at building a product solution in the document space, he and his co-founder Marie Prokopets went back to the basics of bringing a product to market–focusing obsessively on the problem first. “We’re weren’t sure what tool we wanted to build,” said Shah. “But we did know that we wanted to solve the most challenging problem that you have.” After rounds of market research interviews, a common theme emerged. “I can’t find my documents across all the different tools I use.” The resulting product, FYI, which stands for “Find Your Information”, helps you search and organize all of your documents in one place. Google Drive, Dropbox, Slack, Box, OneDrive–these are just some of the integrations FYI launched with. From development to launch, their approach to bringing FYI to market serves as a clinic for bringing anything to market. I dug into all of the steps with Shah, starting with the initial idea. Subscribe to Ground Up on iTunes and hear honest portrayals of the hard stuff, breakthroughs, and lessons learned from starting or growing a business.