Table of contents

  • Why Add Snapchat Ads to Your Social Media Marketing Efforts
  • Using Snapchat Ads with Databox
  • Snapchat Ads Metrics Available in Databox
  • Creating Your Snapchat Ads Dashboard in Databox
  • Start Tracking Your Snapchat Ads Success Using Databox

By now it is pretty clear that video is the go-to medium for millennials and Gen Z. WithSnapchat reaching 75% of this demographic if you want to pitch your product or service to this demographic,  Snapchat ads are the way to go.

However, investing in Snapchat Ads is only worthwhile if you can monitor the success of each campaign and adjust your efforts accordingly. While some of this can be done with their native analytics platform, relying solely on that leaves out a big part of the picture. With Databox, you will not only be able to track and visualize your data and gain deeper insights into your Snapchat Ads campaigns, but also compare the results to other social media efforts that you are currently making. 

A custom social media dashboard is also a great solution for the data you are tracking on your other social media. 

Why Add Snapchat Ads to Your Social Media Marketing Efforts

Sure, the user numbers are right up there with Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok; however, Snapchat is perfect for catering to audiences under 35. So if that demographic suits your targeting needs you are off to a good start.

Because of its unique UISnapchat has no vanity metrics, likes, or follows. This means that whatever users share isn’t judged by how “popular” or “engaging” it is. This has led to people reporting that they feel happy and safe creating content on this platform and engaging with it. What this translates into is happier users, and that makes for more willing customers. It is as simple as that. 

If that isn’t enough to convince you, here is a valuable numbers worth considering when deciding whether to advertise on Snapchat. In 2021, the Snapchat platform generated $2.62 billion in advertising revenue…

…and this is just the latest in the continually rising trend. 

Source: Statista

If you are not already using Snapchat Ads this is definitely food for thought. If you are, let’s find out how you can track your success in Databox.

Using Snapchat Ads with Databox

First, let’s connect the Snapchat Ads Integration. So off to Data Manager we go, then straight to the New connection tab. Type Snapchat Ads in the search bar and click on the green Connect button. Finally, click on the green Connect now button.

After connecting, it’s finally time to start tracking.

If you need further instructions, check out our Snapchat Ads help documentation.

Snapchat Ads Metrics Available in Databox

So let’s see what some of the available basic Snapchat Ads metrics are.

All the basic metrics can be divided by campaign, ad set, and ads— 

  • Amount Spent
  • Total Impressions
  • Paid impressions
  • Swipe ups
  • Swipe Up Rate
  • Total Reach
  • Paid Reach
  • 2 second video Views
  • 15 Second Video Views
  • Video Completions
  • Video Plays at 75%
  • Video Plays at 50% and more

Now we move on to custom metrics. 

Snapchat Ads’ custom metrics list includes the following KPIs — 

  • App Installs
  • eCPI
  • Install Rate
  • Story Completes
  • Completed Story View Percentage
  • Average Attachment Screen Time
  • Total Attachment View Time
  • eCPV
  • Achievements Unlocked
  • Ad Clicks
  • Add to Cart
  • Ad Views
  • App Opens
  • Pages Viewed
  • Purchases
  • Purchases Value
  • Reservations
  • Sign Ups
  • Checkouts Started
  • Trial Started
  • Subscriptions
  • Store Visits

Along with some useful Query Builder dimensions

  • Age
  • Country
  • Device Operating System
  • Gender
  • Platform
  • State
  • Lifestyle Category
  • DMA

Now that you know which metrics are available, it is time to build a dashboard. 

Creating Your Snapchat Ads Dashboard in Databox

First thing’s first, visualization matters, so always consider how you want your Snapchat Ads KPIs to be presented. Here are just a few ideas:

Now let’s go to Databoards, choose + New Databoard and the Start Blank option.

We will choose Snapchat Ads as our data source and start creating a dashboard. 

For this example, let’s focus on digging deeper into campaigns. So we will choose the following metrics segmented by the campaign – Amount Spent, Total Impressions, Paid Impressions, Swipe Ups, Total Reach, 2 Second Video Views, and Video Completion. There we go, our Dashboard is now ready to be populated by our latest data.

Snapchat Ads by Campaign Dashboard

You can create these and similar dashboards to help you get more relevant insights into your Snapchat Ads campaigns, so that you can take steps in real-time to improve the end result. 

Start Tracking Your Snapchat Ads Success Using Databox

The Snapchat Ads integration is available with all plans. Log in to get started.

On a free plan but want access to the 323 additional metrics with our TikTok Ads Query Builder? Take it for a test drive by requesting a trial of Query Builder.

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