Mike Volpe on the Current State of Inbound Marketing & What It Takes to Build a Movement

Author's avatar Ground Up Podcast UPDATED Sep 12, 2018 PUBLISHED Sep 12, 2018 1 minute read

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    Peter Caputa

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    A couple of weeks ago, fresh off his announcement of accepting the role as CEO at Lola.com, I hung out with Mike Volpe.

    Also the former CMO of HubSpot, and more recently, Cybereason, we had a lot of ground to cover.

    Under Volpe’s leadership at HubSpot, the marketing team helped define what modern marketing looked like in the digital age.

    Sure, the specific tactics may have changed over the years, but the ideals behind attracting customers to your business is as relevant as ever.

    As I mentioned, we covered a lot of ground in under an hour, including:

    • The transition to CEO
    • Marketing to the SMB vs. enterprise
    • Inbound marketing – its evolution, its current state, and what companies are getting right/wrong
    • How HubSpot built a movement
    • The importance of Founder/ go-to-market fit, and more.

    Stay until the end where Mike reveals his top 5 hip-hop MCs.

    This one was fun. Enjoy.

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    Article by
    Tamara Omerovic

    Tamara is Content Editorial Manager at Databox. She is an SEO aficionado, a coffee addict, and a huge museum lover! When she's not working or writing, she enjoys visiting an art gallery, drinking her 5th coffee with her friends, or playing video games.

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