Treehouse has helped over 850,000 people learn how to code.

Founded in 2010, Treehouse was born out of a web design/development community (called By Designers, For Designers) that Carson and his friends launched way back in 2001. As the community grew, Ryan Carson discovered his real passion lied in helping and encouraging others.

Years later, off the back of that design community, Carson founded Treehouse as a way to enable anyone to acquire development skills and connect amazing people with great jobs.

“It took me 32 years to find by ‘why’, says Carson. “I’m on a mission to help others discover their ‘why’, change their lives, and live their dreams.”

I had the opportunity to chat with Carson recently about the entire journey. He’s not one to shy away from tough questions or hot-button issues, so the episode is a great one.

In addition to taking us through Treehouse’s journey, Carson also shares his thoughts on:

  • Solving a problem you’re deeply passionate about as a founder.
  • Morning routines (i.e. why he wakes up at 4:30am every day.)
  • Discovering and living your ‘why’.
  • Learning how to sell.
  • Profitability and sustainability (Raising money is not winning. Growth without profit is not winning. Exits and liquidity events are not winning.)
  • Diversity in tech and how companies need to change the way they hire and evaluate talent.

I really enjoyed recording this one. Enjoy.

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