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Victoria Lefevers

About the author

is a competitive intelligence pro with a passion for building communities of knowledge. By day, she leads competitive intel for Carbonite in Boston. By night, she can be found sipping a nice pinot noir while reading something incredibly nerdy.

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Why You Need to (Measurably) Define Success
Goals & Forecasts

Why You Need to (Measurably) Define Success

Think about every date you’ve ever been on. (Scary, I know.) Can you pinpoint why each was successful or not? Can you describe what success ...

Author's avatar by Victoria Lefevers | Mar 11, 2016
What the *%&?! did that mean?

What the *%&?! did that mean?

It always amazes me when people haven’t heard Mehrabian’s stat that 93% of communication is nonverbal. Now, granted, the statistic has been rightfully challenged over ...

Author's avatar by Victoria Lefevers | Feb 18, 2016
Brand as Differentiation

Brand as Differentiation

By trade and experience, I’m a competitive strategy nerd, not a marketing pro. So the idea of “brand” has always seemed to be hand-wavey marketing ...

Author's avatar by Victoria Lefevers | Feb 18, 2016
You only want me for my data

You only want me for my data

Quantitative data is absolutely necessary in today’s business world. Gone are the days of “ad men” (as much as I love Jon Hamm) – today’s ...

Author's avatar by Victoria Lefevers | Feb 17, 2016
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