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  • Ben Jabbawy had an offer on the table to sell Privy. 

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Ben Jabbawy had an offer on the table to sell Privy. 

He accepted.

He had to, as the business was just about out of money and he knew it needed to pivot in order to stay alive.

That required money. So, he decided to sell. 

Then, the deal fell apart. 

So, now what? 

They couldn’t fold the company––a handful of passionate users pleaded with Ben as they had grown to love and depend on the product.

So, Privy asked a handful of these loyal users to pay for a year up-front and allow them the opportunity to continue building the product they needed.

The next 3 years were a grind. Ben says every day was the same. 

But, when you’re this close to going out of business, the opportunity to continue serving customers was exciting for Ben. 

Here, Ben shares everything behind what it’s taken to grow and revive Privy––from leveraging loyal early adopters to letting go of external pressure and letting Privy’s customers guide the way instead.


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