If you look back at the previous month in your company, what questions come to your mind? Something like: did we reach our goals? How ...
Spend 30 minutes with any social media manager, and the conversation will inevitably turn to Facebook engagement within an hour — specifically, the importance of ...
How do you measure success? Well, marketers have struggled for ages to explain this to their clients, as have marketing departments to their CEOs. Luckily, ...
Once you have data on hand, your job is far from done. You’ll need to collect it all together and put it into context to ...
When it comes to lead generation, there are a few tried-and-true metrics that most marketers and salespeople are tracking. The number of MQLs, cost metrics, ...
In order to create content that will really help you scale your business, it’s important to understand which content grabs your visitors’ attention, which one ...
On average, companies with fewer than 49 employees have three staff members on their marketing team. Organizations with more than 5,000 employees typically have a ...
In a world where companies now use dozens (upon dozens) of different tools to track business performance, data dashboards have become critical for quickly conveying ...
In this episode, Pete Caputa interviews Doug Davidoff, CEO of Lift Enablement, to learn how he grew revenue by 3x by going after bigger contracts ...
Did you know? Google Analytics powers a staggering 44 million websites worldwide! If getting insights from Google Analytics seems challenging, don’t worry— with pre-made and ...
Imagine you’re in a store, shopping. The longer you stay, the more likely you are to buy (more), right? It’s similar with your website. The ...
Having a clear strategy can make or break your social media marketing efforts. But how do you know if your strategy aligns with industry norms? ...
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