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Impressions metric represents the number of times a webpage of your site has appeared in search results, regardless of whether or not it was clicked by a user.

With Databox you can track all your metrics from various data sources in one place.

Impressions 122k Start tracking this metric
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What Is an Impression

The impressions metric refers to the number of times an audience views your advertisement or other pieces of content.

It measures the total count of views, regardless of whether users clicked on or interacted with the content.

Impressions can be tracked across multiple mediums, such as websites, social media platforms, search engine result pages, mobile apps, and traditional media channels.

The metric provides advertisers with an estimate of the potential reach of their campaigns, but doesn’t indicate actual engagement. This is why it’s often analyzed alongside other metrics like CTR, conversions, CPC, etc.

How to Calculate Impressions

Calculating impressions means tracking the total count of ad views, regardless of whether a user clicks on the ad or not.

And while the formula for calculating impressions may differ slightly based on the specific medium. But in its simplest form, it comes down to this:

Impressions = Total ad views

Let’s say you’re running a display ad campaign on a website and your ad is shown 1,000 times to visitors on the website.

Each time the ad loads on a webpage, it counts as one impression, which means the total number of impressions is also 1,000.

What Is a Good Number of Impressions

There isn’t a universal benchmark for what constitutes a good number of impressions, as it depends on a long list of factors.

For some campaigns, a high number of impressions might be desirable to maximize brand exposure and reach as many potential customers as possible.

In other cases, a lower number of impressions with a higher level of engagement, such as click-through rates or conversions, might be more important.

That said, we pulled out benchmark data from our product related to organic impressions that you might find interesting.

According to Google Search Console Benchmarks for All Companies, a good number of organic impressions is around 122k a month. And within the last two months, we’ve seen a significant increase of up to 200k impressions a month.

If you want to stay on top of future trends and be able to instantly compare your performance to companies just like yours (in any given industry), you can join our Benchmark Groups – it’s free for everyone!

How to Increase the Number of Impressions

While the number of impressions you’re generating may not be your most important performance metric, getting more eyeballs on your ads or content won’t hurt your campaign (as long as it comes from a relevant audience).

We spoke to hundreds of marketers on the topic and here are some of the best tips they’ve shared on how to increase the number of impressions on your campaigns:

  • Create “Rate Limited” reach campaigns: If you’re running Facebook Ads, a great way to expand your reach is to create “rate limited” reach campaigns. In other words, you build a reach campaign with a smaller budget and limit your impressions per user for a set number of days. Then, deliver this campaign to a super broad audience (e.g. only specify gender, age, and location) to reach a larger number of people at a much lower price. Those who engaged with your campaign can later be retargeted.
  • Focus on building engagement: Your potential reach and the number of impressions you generate are also tightly connected to how your audience engages with your ads. Focus on building engagement in a way that makes the audience want to comment and share your post with their network.

More resources to help you improve:


  • Databox visualization


    Used to show a simple Metric or to draw attention to one key number.

  • Databox visualization

    Pie Chart

    Used to illustrate numerical proportions through the size of the slices.

  • Databox visualization

    Bar and Line Chart

    Used to show comparisons between values.

How to track Impressions in Databox?

Databox is a business analytics software that allows you to track and visualize your most important metrics from any data source in one centralized platform.

To track Impressions using Databox, follow these steps:

  1. 1
    Connect Google Search Console that contains the metric you want to track
  2. 2
    Select the metric you want to track from the list of available metrics
  3. 3
    Drag and drop the selected metric onto your dashboard
  4. 4
    Watch your dashboard populate in seconds
  5. 5
    Put Impressions on the Performance screen
  6. 6
    Get Impressions performance daily with Scorecards or as a weekly digest
  7. 7
    Set Goals to track and improve performance of Impressions
Google Search Console integration with Databox Track Impressions from Google Search Console in Databox GET STARTED

Google Search Console Impressions included in Dashboard Templates 2

  • Live view

    Google Search Performance

    This dashboard shows you how your site is performing in organic search results and how that performance is trending by monitoring top performing queries, pages, and your average ranking.

    Google Search Console
  • Live view

    SEO Overview

    This dashboard includes top SEO key performance indicators that can help you understand the overall health and authority of your website in the eyes of a search engine like Google.

    SEMrush Moz Google Search Console Google Analytics 4

Google Search Console Impressions included in Report Templates 2

  • Details

    SEO Performance Report Template

    Unlock the power of your SEO strategy with this SEO Performance report. Track vital metrics like keyword visibility, traffic growth, and site health effortlessly. Perfect for keeping stakeholders informed and your SEO efforts on target.

    SEMrush Google Search Console Ahrefs
  • Details

    Google Search Console Advanced Report Template

    Use this Google Search Console advanced report to share high-level and in-depth metrics of your SEO performance. Present key insights like Impressions, Clicks, CTR, and more.

    Google Search Console


  • Description
    Impressions metric represents the number of times a webpage of your site has appeared in search results, regardless of whether or not it was clicked by a user.
  • Category
  • Subcategory
  • Date Added
  • Cumulative Support
  • Units
  • Granularities
    daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, allTime
  • Favorable Trend
  • Historical Data
  • Changing historical data
  • Forecast Support
  • Benchmark Support
  • Media Support
  • Dimension
  • Metric Type
    general Learn more
  • API Endpoint{siteUrl}/searchAnalytics/query

Questions? We've got answers.

  • What are impressions on LinkedIn?

    On LinkedIn, impressions refer to the number of times your content, such as a post, article, or advertisement, is displayed in users’ feeds.

  • What do impressions measure?

    Impressions measure the number of times an ad or piece of content has been displayed to users on a particular platform, such as a website, app, or social media platform.

  • Why do we measure impressions?

    Advertisers measure impressions to see how many people they’ve reached with their ad campaigns or other types of content.

    Impressions are also valuable when analyzed alongside other performance metrics like CTR, conversion rate, engagement rate, and more. 

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