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Google Search Console
Dashboard and Reporting Software

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Google Search Console is a free tool provided by Google for website owners to monitor and optimize their site's performance on search engine result pages. It helps in tracking website traffic, indexing status, search query insights, fixing potential issues, and improving overall visibility on Google.

Discover the keywords and pages that drive organic traffic

Search Console is a free tool from Google that allows you to find the specific search terms that drive organic traffic. It helps you measure ongoing impact from content marketing.

With Databox, your most important Google Search Console KPIs will be transformed into meaningful insights and delivered to your mobile, Apple Watch, TV display or Slack channels. One of the key benefits of Databox is the ability to combine multiple data sources in one place. This will help your team stay on top of the important metrics that drive your website traffic.

Additional keyword data can be accessed by connecting your Google Analytics Account and using the Metric Builder for Google Analytics.

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        • Category
        • Status
        • Date added

        API Details

        • Authentication Method
        • API version

        Metric Builder

        • Metric builder available
        • Tabs
          Ads Reporting
        • Missing data for Google Search Console metrics for the last two days

          Due to API limitation, Google Search Console does not return data for the last two days, meaning no data will be retrieved for Date Ranges, which focus on the period of the last two days. If ‘Today’ and ‘Yesterday’ Date Ranges are selected, no data will be displayed in Databox. For longer Date Ranges that include the last two days (e.g. ‘Week to Date’, ‘Month to Date’), the data for the last two days will not be included. This limitation applies to all Google Search Console metrics.

        • Maximum amount of historical data for Google Search Console metrics

          Due to technical limitations, the Date Range ‘All Time’ will return a maximum of 36 months of historical data. The limitation is associated with the date when a Google Search Console metric is first used in Databox – Databox can display data for dates up to 36 months prior to that initial usage date.

        • List of Non-Aggregatable Metrics for the Google Search Console integration

          A number of metrics for the Google Search Console integration are Non-Aggregatable. This means that due to the nature of these metrics, summing daily/weekly/monthly values will not give correct results for longer time periods.

          These metrics are:

          • CTR
          • CTR by Queries
          • CTR by Pages
          • CTR by Countries
          • CTR by Devices
          • CTR by Search Types
          • Position
          • Position by Queries
          • Position by Pages
          • Position by Countries
          • Position by Devices
          • Position by Search Types
        • Hourly Granularity not supported for Google Search Console metrics

          Due to API limitations, hourly granularity is not supported. This may affect how data is visualised on Charts in Databox.

          For example, if a Google Search Console metric is used on a Line or Bar Chart with ‘Yesterday’ Date Range selected, hourly data will not be displayed on the Chart. However, the so-called Big Number above the Chart will accurately reflect the metric value for the selected Date Range.

          Learn more about Granularity here.

        • Default Search type for Google Search Console Custom Metrics

          When creating Custom Metrics for Google Search Console, there is an option to select a Search Type.
          Four different Search Types are available:

          • Image search results
          • News search results
          • Video search results
          • Web search results

          This field is optional in the Metric Builder, but if it is left blank, the data displayed will be using Web Search Type by default.

        • Data from Coverage and Enhancements Reports in Google Search Console not available in Databox

          Google Search Console metrics from Coverage and Enhancements Reports are not available via the Google Search Console API, therefore we can not retrieve data from these reports.

        • Data discrepancies for Basic metrics of Google Search Console

          For any Basic metric of the Google Search Console integration, only the first 10,000 results will be returned via the API, which might not cover all the data that is available in the Google Search Console Data Source.
          As a workaround, data can be displayed with shorter Date Ranges or Custom metrics can be built using the Metric Builder, where results for a metric can be filtered by specific dimensions.

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