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SEMrush Keywords in TOP 3

Keywords in TOP 3 is a SEMrush metric that shows the number of keywords for which a domain or URL ranks in the top 3 search engine results pages. It indicates a site's visibility and potential traffic from high-ranking and relevant search queries.

With Databox you can track all your metrics from various data sources in one place.

Keywords in TOP 3 2.190,879 Start tracking this metric
  • About
  • Tech details
What is "Keywords in TOP 3"?
The Keywords in TOP 3 metric is a SEMrush metric that shows the number of organic search keywords a website is ranking for in the top 3 positions of the Google search results. This metric is important because most users don't go beyond the top 3 results on the first page, and ranking in these positions can significantly increase the website's visibility and traffic. The higher the number of keywords a website has in the top 3 positions, the stronger its SEO performance is considered to be. It can also help website owners identify their top competitors and pinpoint opportunities for improvement in their own SEO strategy.
Example: Tracking the impact of SEO efforts on a website's organic search performance by monitoring the number of targeted keywords that rank in the top 3 search results.


  • Databox visualization


    Used to show a simple Metric or to draw attention to one key number.

How to track Keywords in TOP 3 in Databox?

Databox is a business analytics software that allows you to track and visualize your most important metrics from any data source in one centralized platform.

To track Keywords in TOP 3 using Databox, follow these steps:

  1. 1
    Connect SEMrush that contains the metric you want to track
  2. 2
    Select the metric you want to track from the list of available metrics
  3. 3
    Drag and drop the selected metric onto your dashboard
  4. 4
    Watch your dashboard populate in seconds
  5. 5
    Put Keywords in TOP 3 on the Performance screen
  6. 6
    Get Keywords in TOP 3 performance daily with Scorecards or as a weekly digest
  7. 7
    Set Goals to track and improve performance of Keywords in TOP 3
SEMrush integration with Databox Track Keywords in TOP 3 from SEMrush in Databox GET STARTED

SEMrush Keywords in TOP 3 included in Dashboard Templates 3

  • Live view

    Semrush (Keywords & Organic Search Traffic)

    A summary of the SEO performance of your site based on traffic, keyword rank, and on-page factors that may be affecting organic traffic.

  • Live view

    Semrush Position Tracking

    This dashboard displays the change in your online presence based on your keyword rankings over time.

  • Live view

    SEO Overview

    This dashboard includes top SEO key performance indicators that can help you understand the overall health and authority of your website in the eyes of a search engine like Google.

    SEMrush Moz Google Search Console Google Analytics 4

SEMrush Keywords in TOP 3 included in Report Templates 1

  • Details

    Semrush Report Template

    Use this Semrush report to share important SEO insights like position tracking, keyword rankings, site audit health, and more.



  • Description
    Keywords in TOP 3 is a SEMrush metric that shows the number of keywords for which a domain or URL ranks in the top 3 search engine results pages. It indicates a site's visibility and potential traffic from high-ranking and relevant search queries.
  • Category
  • Date Added
  • Cumulative Support
  • Units
  • Granularities
    daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, quarterly, allTime
  • Favorable Trend
  • Historical Data
  • Changing historical data
  • Forecast Support
  • Benchmark Support
  • Media Support
  • Dimension
  • Metric Type
    general Learn more
  • API Endpoint

Track all of your key business metrics from one screen

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