ChartMogul SaaS LTV Dashboard Template for Leadership

Template created by Databox Databox
Stay on top of your SaaS performance with the ChartMogul SaaS LTV dashboard template. This interactive dashboard is the perfect fit for SaaS and B2Bs. It displays key SaaS metrics from ChartMogul, such as Average Revenue Per Account, Customer Churn Rate, Customer Lifetime Value... and more, enabling you to monitor performance, analyze data, and make informed decisions about your growth strategy.

Uses one-click integrations:

  • ChartMogul ChartMogul

If you don’t use ChartMogul, you can pull data from any of our 100+ one-click, native integrations or from spreadsheets, databases and other APIs.

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What you’ll learn from this SaaS LTV Dashboard for Leadership - ChartMogul Dashboard Template

Get quick updates on your revenue reporting KPIs without hassle. Connect your ChartMogul account and learn:

  • What is the customer lifetime value for your business? For most businesses, your Customer Lifetime Value should be at least three times greater than your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC). Make sure you track it on a regular basis and take immediate steps if there is a sudden drop.
  • What is your average revenue per user? Average revenue per user (ARPU) is one of the most important metrics for any business as it tells you how much money you're earning, on average, from each user in a given time frame, if this trend keeps increasing that means that your business is on a growth path.

Pull additional data using our deep integration with ChartMogul

What other financial metrics can you track and visualize with our ChartMogul integration? Among others:

  • MRR
  • ARR
  • Customer Churn Rate
  • Average Revenue per Account
  • Average Sales Price
  • Refunds

There are many different metrics and metric combinations you can track using ChartMogul integration. And in Databox, you can quickly visualize your most important financial metrics in various ways to help you create consolidated reports.

Read more about Databox’s ChartMogul integration.

Explore more ChartMogul dashboards.

ChartMogul ChartMogul metrics included in this template
  • Customer Lifetime (months)

Customize this dashboard with Databox

Sometimes, you’ll want to dive deeper into performance. When you need to customize this template (or any other dashboard) to include different metrics, add metrics from different sources, etc., you can do so by using Databox’s Dashboard Designer.

The Designer allows you to easily drag-and-drop metrics and visualizations from any data source right into your dashboard.

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