The Deals by Original Source Data 2 metric tracks the number of deals generated based on the second source where a lead first interacted with your business, helping to identify which sources are driving the most revenue.
With Databox you can track all your metrics from various data sources in one place.
Used to show comparisons between values.
Databox is a business analytics software that allows you to track and visualize your most important metrics from any data source in one centralized platform.
To track Deals by Original Source Data 2 using Databox, follow these steps:
The Deals Amount by Original Source Type metric shows the total value of deals won in a specific time period, categorized by the original source that brought in the lead, such as email marketing, social media, or paid advertising. This helps analyze which marketing channels are driving the most revenue for your business.
The All Deals Amount metric in HubSpot CRM is a sum of the total value of all open and closed deals in your sales pipeline. It provides an overview of the potential revenue for your business.
The Deals by Stage by Create Date metric shows the number of deals created during a specific time period sorted by the deal stage they are currently at. It helps track the progress of deals in the sales pipeline and identify trends in deal stage movement.
The Closed Won Amount by Owner metric shows the total amount of revenue generated from closed won deals for each owner in HubspotCRM.
The Open (Unclosed) Deals by Owner metric measures the number of deals that have not yet been closed and assigns them to the respective owner in a Hubspot CRM account.
This metric allows you to track the number of open deals that have not been closed yet, categorized by their current stage in the pipeline.
The Notes metric in HubspotCRM refers to the number of notes added to a particular contact, company or deal record. It helps to keep track of communication and relevant information related to a record.
The Emails Logged metric in HubSpot CRM tracks the number of emails sent and received by your team within the CRM, providing insights into communication activity and engagement with contacts.