Item Revenue by Item name is a metric that shows the total revenue earned by each individual item sold, allowing businesses to assess the popularity and profitability of different products. This information can be used to determine which items to promote, which to discontinue, and which to adjust prices for.
With Databox you can track all your metrics from various data sources in one place.
Used to show comparisons between values.
Databox is a business analytics software that allows you to track and visualize your most important metrics from any data source in one centralized platform.
To track Item Revenue by Item name using Databox, follow these steps:
Google Analytics 4 dashboard template which will give you insights about your Transactions and Revenue, conversion rates and more.
Download this free dashboard to get full insights into your online sales. Keep an eye on your product performance, conversion rate, and revenue.
The Sessions by Source metric tracks the number of visits (sessions) to your website or app, grouped by the source that drove the traffic.
Active Users by Session Campaign metric in Google Analytics 4 indicates the number of users who have engaged with your website or app through a specific campaign within a given session.
The Average Purchase Revenue by Page Title metric measures the average amount of revenue generated from a purchase on a particular page title. It helps businesses identify which pages are driving the most revenue and optimize their marketing efforts to increase revenue.
Average Purchase Revenue by Session Source shows the average revenue generated from each session, segmented by the source of the session. It helps to identify the most valuable sources of traffic for generating revenue.
Engagement Rate by Session Source/Medium measures the level of interaction users have with your website content, segmented by where they came from (Source/Medium). It indicates the quality of traffic from different channels in terms of user engagement.
The Event Value by Medium metric in Google Analytics 4 measures the total value of all events attributed to each traffic source or medium, helping businesses identify the most valuable channels for conversions and revenue generation.
Events per Session by Page Path metric is a measure of how many times an event is fired on a particular page, on average, during a single session. It helps to identify the engagement level of users on specific pages and optimize them accordingly for better conversion rates.
The Sessions per User by Platform metric shows the average number of times a user interacts with a platform within a given time period, such as a website or mobile app. It helps track user engagement and can help identify areas for improvement.