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HubSpot Marketing Contacts by Active List

Contacts by Active List is a metric that measures the number of contacts who are currently on one or more active lists in HubSpot. It provides insight into the size of your audience and helps you keep track of how many contacts are engaged with your marketing efforts.

With Databox you can track all your metrics from various data sources in one place.

Contacts by Active List 2.190,879 Start tracking this metric
  • About
  • Tech details
  • Notes
What is "Contacts by Active List"?
Contacts by Active List is a Hubspot metric which indicates the number of unique contacts currently included in active marketing lists. These lists can be used for targeted email campaigns, automated workflows, and lead nurturing efforts. The Contacts by Active List metric can help businesses measure the effectiveness of their lead segmentation strategies and the overall engagement levels of their contacts. It can also inform list cleanup efforts by identifying inactive contacts that may need to be removed or re-engaged.
Example: Example: A marketing team uses the Contacts by Active List metric to measure the effectiveness of their email newsletter campaign by tracking the number of contacts who engage with the content and are added to the active list.


  • Databox visualization

    Bar and Line Chart

    Used to show comparisons between values.

How to track Contacts by Active List in Databox?

Databox is a business analytics software that allows you to track and visualize your most important metrics from any data source in one centralized platform.

To track Contacts by Active List using Databox, follow these steps:

  1. 1
    Connect HubSpot Marketing that contains the metric you want to track
  2. 2
    Select the metric you want to track from the list of available metrics
  3. 3
    Drag and drop the selected metric onto your dashboard
  4. 4
    Watch your dashboard populate in seconds
  5. 5
    Put Contacts by Active List on the Performance screen
  6. 6
    Get Contacts by Active List performance daily with Scorecards or as a weekly digest
  7. 7
    Set Goals to track and improve performance of Contacts by Active List
HubSpot Marketing integration with Databox Track Contacts by Active List from HubSpot Marketing in Databox GET STARTED


  • Description
    Contacts by Active List is a metric that measures the number of contacts who are currently on one or more active lists in HubSpot. It provides insight into the size of your audience and helps you keep track of how many contacts are engaged with your marketing efforts.
  • Category
  • Subcategory
  • Date Added
  • Cumulative Support
  • Units
  • Granularities
    daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, allTime
  • Favorable Trend
  • Historical Data
  • Changing historical data
  • Forecast Support
  • Benchmark Support
  • Media Support
  • Dimension
  • Metric Type
    current Learn more
  • API Endpoint
  • Limitation of historical data for the metric ‘Contacts by Active List’

    Data for any Active List is only available via the HubSpot API for dates after the Creation Date of the Active List. If data on contacts by list is being tracked over time in Databox or if the compare option is being used to analyze data against past periods, it is important to consider the list’s creation date. Data will not be visible in Databox for dates prior to the the creation of the list in HubSpot.

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