The Event Count by Event metric in Google Analytics 4 measures the total number of times a particular event has occurred on your website or app during a given time period. It helps you track and analyze user engagement and behavior related to specific events, such as button clicks, video views, or form submissions.
With Databox you can track all your metrics from various data sources in one place.
Used to show comparisons between values.
Databox is a business analytics software that allows you to track and visualize your most important metrics from any data source in one centralized platform.
To track Event Count by Event using Databox, follow these steps:
Download this free dashboard to measure the overall engagement of your website and app visitors. Get insights into how visitors interact with your most important pages, which actions are they taking, how much of their time they're giving you and more
Use this Google Analytics 4 report to analyze and share insights into website engagement, audience behavior, and content marketing efforts.
The Sessions by Session Default Channel Group metric in Google Analytics 4 reports the number of sessions attributed to each default channel group, which categorizes traffic sources such as organic search, social media, paid search, and direct traffic.
Average Session Duration is the average length of time visitors spend on your website during a single session, measured in seconds. This metric provides insight into visitor engagement and can help identify areas for improvement in site content or user experience.
The Session Conversion Rate is a metric that measures the percentage of sessions on a website that result in a conversion, such as a purchase or form submission. It helps businesses understand how effective their website is at driving conversions.
Conversions by Event is a Google Analytics 4 metric that measures the number of conversions (e.g. purchases, sign-ups) resulting from specific events (e.g. button clicks, form submissions) triggered on your website or app.
The Active Users by Event metric shows the number of unique users who have triggered a specific event at least once during a specified time period.
The Average Purchase Revenue by Country metric measures the average amount of revenue generated by purchases made from a specific country.
The Event Count by Country metric in Google Analytics 4 measures the number of user-initiated actions or events tracked on your website, app, or other digital platform by country location. It allows you to understand which countries are driving the most user engagement and take action to optimize user experiences and campaigns for those regions.
User Engagement Duration by Session Campaign metric measures the average time users spend interacting with a website or app during a specific marketing campaign, providing insights into user engagement and campaign effectiveness.