Twitter (Growth & Engagement) Dashboard Template

Template created by Databox Databox
Use this free, easy-to-understand Twitter (growth and engagement) dashboard template to gain unique insights into how your followers are engaging with your tweets. Visually monitor and assess your most important engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, follows, re-tweets, and mentions.

Uses one-click integrations:

  • X (Twitter) X (Twitter)

If you don’t use X (Twitter), you can pull data from any of our 100+ one-click, native integrations or from spreadsheets, databases and other APIs.

Get this dashboard for free

What you’ll learn from this Twitter (Growth & Engagement) Dashboard template:

Download this dashboard template to measure and track your most relevant Twitter engagement metrics. Use the insights gained to determine your best performing content, the best time to post, and measure followers’ growth and ROI. Simply connect your Twitter account, and you’ll learn:

  • How do I track my Twitter follower growth? View the total number of followers you have on Twitter. Visually monitor how many followers you gain or lose on a daily basis. Can your loss of followers be attributed to certain content or action? Use this information to optimize your followers’ acquisition strategy.
  • How engaged are my Twitter followers? View how many times people interacted with your tweets within a time period by tracking key metrics, such as retweets, replies, and likes. By tracking this metric, you’ll be able to find out which content generates the most engagement.
  • How do I track my Twitter mentions? View how many times your brand was mentioned on Twitter in a day, week, or month. This is a good indicator of your brand’s popularity. Pay attention to this metric if you’re interested in finding out what kind of topics your brand gets mentioned in and where your Twitter mentions are coming from.
  • How many times did I tweet this month? Get a real-time count of the total number of tweets you’ve put out within a period of time.
  • How do I measure my Twitter activity? View and measure your Twitter activity at any given point in time. Visually monitor how people engage with your tweets in real-time. By using this data, you’ll be able to identify your best-performing tweets based on the spikes or drops overtime.
  • What’s my follower to following ratio? View your follower to following ratio at any point in time. Use this metric to evaluate the quality of your account. How many followers do you have, compared to the number of people you’re following? If you follow way more people than you have following you back, it’s an indication you need to rework your content’s relevance and authenticity.

Pull additional data using our robust integration with Twitter.

    • Engagement Rate
    • Profile and Link Clicks
    • Average Tweet Performance
    • Audience Tweet Demographics
    • Video views
    • Impressions

And so on...

Read more about Databox’s Twitter integration.

X (Twitter) X (Twitter) metrics included in this template
  • Following

    Impressions: The number of times a tweet has been viewed by Twitter users, including both organic and paid traffic. This metric gives insight into the reach and potential impact of a tweet.

  • Follower to following ratio TFF
  • New tweets

    Number of New Tweets Released during the specified Date Range. No historical data is available from before the initial connection. Twitter does not provide net values for this metric directly via their API. We calculate this metric by subtracting the current value from the previous value to determine net change.

Customize this dashboard with Databox

Sometimes, you’ll want to dive deeper into performance. When you need to customize this template (or any other dashboard) to include different metrics, add metrics from different sources, etc., you can do so by using Databox’s Dashboard Designer.

The Designer allows you to easily drag-and-drop metrics and visualizations from any data source right into your dashboard.

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