Current Equities by Equity metric in Xero shows the value of equity in the business at a given point in time. It takes into account the assets and liabilities of the business to provide an accurate picture of the net worth of the company.
With Databox you can track all your metrics from various data sources in one place.
Used to show comparisons between values.
Databox is a business analytics software that allows you to track and visualize your most important metrics from any data source in one centralized platform.
To track Current Equities by Equity using Databox, follow these steps:
Sales metric in Xero is a measure of revenue generated from the sales of goods or services. It helps businesses track their sales performance and make informed decisions to grow their revenue.
This metric displays the planned/estimated total expenses for a specific period, sorted by type of expense such as salaries, utilities, marketing, etc. It helps businesses track and control their spending by comparing actual expenses with the budgeted ones.
The Closing Balance by Bank Account metric in Xero shows the total balance remaining in each of your linked bank accounts as of the end of the selected accounting period.
The Awaiting Payments metric in Xero shows the total amount of money that has been invoiced but not yet received from customers.
The Overdue Payments metric in Xero tracks the total amount of unpaid invoices that are past their due date, giving businesses insight into their outstanding receivables.
The Income metric reflects the total revenue generated by a business during a specific period, including sales, services, and other sources of income.
The Expenses metric in Xero tracks the money spent by a business on various costs such as office supplies, rent, utilities, and employee salaries. It helps in analyzing the company's financial health by providing insights into where the money is being spent and how it can be optimized.
Quotes Declined Value is a metric showing the total value of customer quotes that were rejected or declined, indicating potential issues in sales strategies and areas for improvement.