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See How your Business is Performing with the Xero integrations

Dashboard and Reporting Software

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Xero is a cloud-based accounting software designed to simplify financial tasks, record and reconcile transactions, track expenses, generate invoices, and provide real-time insights into business performance. It helps small businesses streamline their accounting processes, save time, and make informed financial decisions.

Stay on top of your Business with the Xero integrations

Wouldn’t be nice to see how your business is performing, wherever you are? Xero is online accounting software for your small business. Have an instant view on your Income, Expenses, Cash summary, Profitability, Payments, Bank Summary and many more. Combine it with stats from our other connectors to track the overall performance of your business.

About Xero
Xero is world-leading online accounting software built for small business.

  • Get a real-time view of your cashflow. Log in anytime, anywhere on your Mac, PC, tablet or phone to get a real-time view of your cash flow. It’s small business accounting software that’s simple, smart and occasionally magical.
  • Run your business on the go. Use our mobile app to reconcile, send invoices, or create expense claims – from anywhere.
  • Get paid faster with online invoicing. Send online invoices to your customers – and get updated when they’re opened.
  • Reconcile in seconds. Xero imports and categorises your latest bank transactions. Just click ok to reconcile.

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        • Category
          Accounting & Invoincing
        • Status
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        API Details

        Metric Builder

        • Metric builder available
        • On which basis (Cash or Accrual) is Databox syncing and displaying values from Xero?

          Currently, Databox is syncing and displaying values only on Accrual basis. Accrual accounting is a method of accounting where revenues and expenses are recorded when they are earned, regardless of when the money is actually received or paid.

          Request for Cash basis can be upvoted on the public Databox Roadmap page here:

          In order to sync data on Cash basis in Databox, the following workarounds can be considered:

          • Google Sheets integration – by exporting desirable data from Xero into .CSV format at least, and later add it to Google Sheets files. Those files then can be connected, and Custom Metrics created from it:
          • Zapier integration: The only limitation with Zapier is that it is an event/trigger based app. In other words, it can only push data to Databox when something happens now (i.e. a form is submitted). This limits the historical data that can be synced using Zapier (i.e. all of the form submissions for the past year cannot be synced via Zapier).
          • Integromat integration: Unlike Zapier, Integromat allows you to sync historical data and current data to Databox at scheduled intervals. This platform offers additional flexibility with their native integrations, such as making API calls or formatting data in a particular way.
        • Does Databox sync future data for Xero metrics?

          Future data cannot be synced and displayed in Databox. Databox syncs financial data only up to the current month. For example, if using ‘This Year’ as a Date Range, data will be displayed from January 1st up until the end of the current month.

        • Databox does not support custom Xero reports

          Custom Xero reports are not supported in Databox due to API limitations. Databox currently supports only default reports available in the Xero User Interface.

          In case custom or modified reports are being used in Xero User Interface, metrics associated with those reports will not display the data on Databox Databoards or discrepancies will be present in cases of modified reports.

        • Availability of data for the Xero Metrics

          Different Xero metric have different granularity characteristics. Learn more about Granularity here.

          • Due to API limitations, hourly granularity (showing data by hours) is not supported for Xero metrics. This may affect visualization options for Charts in Databox. For example, if a Xero metric is used on a Line or Bar Chart with ‘Yesterday’ Date Range selected, hourly data will not be displayed on the Chart. However, the big number above the Chart will accurately reflect the Metric value for the selected Date Range, provided that the metric supports daily data.
          • Monthly, quarterly and yearly granularities are supported for all Xero metrics.
          • Due to API limitations, daily and weekly granularity (showing data by days or weeks) are not supported for the following Xero metrics:
            • Average Creditors Days Average Debtors Days
            • Bank Fees
            • Cash Received
            • Cash Received by Bank Account
            • Payments by Contact
            • Cash Spent
            • Cash Spent by Bank Account
            • Purchase Orders by Contact
            • Cash Surplus (Deficit)
            • Closing Balance
            • Closing Balance by Bank Account
            • Creditors
            • Current Assets to Liabilities
            • Debtors
            • Direct Costs
            • Expenses
            • Gross Profit
            • Gross Profit (Budget)
            • Gross Profit Margin
            • Income
            • Net Assets
            • Net Profit
            • Net Profit (Budget)
            • Net Profit Margin
            • Opening Balance
            • Opening Balance by Bank Account
            • Other Income
            • Profit (Loss)
            • Revenue
            • Revenue by Code (COA)
            • Return of Investment (p.a.)
            • Sales
            • Short Term Cash Forecast
            • Term Assets to Liabilities
            • Total Assets
            • Current Assets by Asset
            • Current Cash and Cash Equivalents by Asset
            • Current Property, Plant and Equipment by Asset
            • Total Cost of Sales (Budget)
            • Total Cost of Sales (Budget) by Type
            • Total Expenses (Budget)
            • Total Income
            • Total Income (Budget)
            • Budget Summary by Type
            • Profit and Loss by Subtype
            • Profit and Loss by Type
            • Total Liabilities
            • Current Equities by Equity
            • Current Liabilities by Liability
            • Current Non-liabilities by Liability
            • Total Operating Expenses
            • Total Operating Expenses (Budget)
            • Total Operating Expenses (Budget) by Type
        • Xero Data Sources are frequently disconnecting in Databox with ‘Access denied’ error

          Xero Data Sources might disconnect with the error message ‘Access denied – we could not fetch your data due to ‘Forbidden’ error…‘ due to unsupported interval and granularity used on Databoards where Executive Summary and Profit and Loss metrics are being selected. Learn more about granularity here.

          In case Xero Data Sources disconnect with this error, all Executive Summary and Profit and Loss Metrics should be reviewed on Databoards and set in a way that they will have valid interval (Date Range) and granulation selected (e.g. Supported Date Range with monthly, quarterly or yearly granularity). Note that these metric do not support hourly, daily and weekly granularity.

          Examples of unsupported settings are: Date Range ‘Last Week’ showing data by day (daily granularity), Date Range Last Month showing data by week (weekly granularity). Such settings may result in the Xero Data Source disconnecting with the given error message.

          All metrics associated with Executive Summary and Profit And Loss Reports are listed below.

          Executive Summary metrics

          • Cash Surplus (Deficit)
          • Income
          • Direct Costs
          • Other Income
          • Expenses
          • Profit (Loss)
          • Debtors
          • Creditors
          • Gross Profit Margin
          • Net Profit Margin
          • Return of Investment (p.a.)
          • Average Debtors Days
          • Average Creditors Days
          • Short Term Cash Forecast
          • Current Assets to Liabilities
          • Term Assets to Liabilities

          Profit and Loss metrics

          • Total Income
          • Profit and Loss by Type
          • Profit and Loss by Subtype
          • Gross Profit
          • Total Operating Expenses
          • Net Profit
          • Sales
          • Bank fees

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