The Unsubscribed Contacts metric measures the number of contacts who have opted out and requested to be removed from your email list.
With Databox you can track all your metrics from various data sources in one place.
Used to show a simple Metric or to draw attention to one key number.
Databox is a business analytics software that allows you to track and visualize your most important metrics from any data source in one centralized platform.
To track Unsubscribed Contacts using Databox, follow these steps:
The New Unsubscribed Contacts metric measures the number of contacts who have unsubscribed from your email list within a specified time period.
The Campaigns metric refers to the number of emails sent to a target audience for a specific marketing effort, along with the associated click rates, open rates, and conversion rates.
Recent Campaign Click Rate measures the percentage of email recipients who clicked on a link in your campaign within a specific time frame, typically the past 24 hours.
The Automations Click rate metric measures the percentage of recipients who clicked on a link within an automated email campaign sent through Mailchimp.
Sends by Automations metric measures the number of automated emails sent to subscribers, providing insight on the effectiveness of automated campaigns.
Click Rate by Automations is a Mailchimp metric that measures the percentage of clicks on links within automated campaigns. This helps you evaluate which automations are most effective at engaging your audience.
Clicks by Automations is a Mailchimp metric that shows the number of clicks on links in automated email campaigns. It helps track engagement with automated emails.
Subscribers Clicks by Automations is a metric that measures how often subscribers click on links within automated emails within a specific time frame. It helps to track the engagement levels of subscribers with your automated campaigns.