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HubSpot Marketing Total Emails Unique Opened by Email Title

Total number of Emails Successfully Opened split up by Email Title. No historical data is available from the initial connection.

With Databox you can track all your metrics from various data sources in one place.

Total Emails Unique Opened by Email Title 2.190,879 Start tracking this metric
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  • Tech details
  • Notes
What is "Total Emails Unique Opened by Email Title"?
The Emails Unique Opened by Email Title (by Create Date) metric is a measurement of the number of times a specific email sent to a contact list has been opened by recipients, organized by email title and arranged in chronological order based on the date it was created. This metric gives insights into which email subject lines are most engaging and effective in driving open rates, allowing marketers and sales teams to optimize their email strategies for better engagement and lead generation. The data can also help identify trends in customer behavior and preferences over time.
Example: Example: Analyzing the Emails Unique Opened by Email Title (by Create Date) metric can help identify which subject lines are most effective in getting recipients to open emails, allowing for improved email marketing strategies.


  • Databox visualization

    Bar and Line Chart

    Used to show comparisons between values.

How to track Total Emails Unique Opened by Email Title in Databox?

Databox is a business analytics software that allows you to track and visualize your most important metrics from any data source in one centralized platform.

To track Total Emails Unique Opened by Email Title using Databox, follow these steps:

  1. 1
    Connect HubSpot Marketing that contains the metric you want to track
  2. 2
    Select the metric you want to track from the list of available metrics
  3. 3
    Drag and drop the selected metric onto your dashboard
  4. 4
    Watch your dashboard populate in seconds
  5. 5
    Put Total Emails Unique Opened by Email Title on the Performance screen
  6. 6
    Get Total Emails Unique Opened by Email Title performance daily with Scorecards or as a weekly digest
  7. 7
    Set Goals to track and improve performance of Total Emails Unique Opened by Email Title
HubSpot Marketing integration with Databox Track Total Emails Unique Opened by Email Title from HubSpot Marketing in Databox GET STARTED


  • Description
    Total number of Emails Successfully Opened split up by Email Title. No historical data is available from the initial connection.
  • Category
  • Subcategory
    Emails opened
  • Date Added
  • Cumulative Support
  • Units
  • Granularities
    daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, allTime
  • Favorable Trend
  • Historical Data
  • Changing historical data
  • Forecast Support
  • Benchmark Support
  • Media Support
  • Dimension
  • Metric Type
    current Learn more
  • API Endpoint
  • Characteristics of the ‘Total Emails’ metrics

    This is a so-called total current metric, which means that it provides data for the current day, encompassing all emails sent up to this point ordered in descending order based on their value. Since the metric does not include historical data and reflects the total cumulative value over time, it does not offer insights into email performance trends.

    For tracking email performance over time, a better fit is a Basic metric, such as ‘Emails Sent by Email Title (by Created Date or By Updated Date)’, which monitors the number of emails sent for each title over time.

    Similarly to the ‘Total Emails Sent by Email Title’ metric, any Custom metric built using the Metric Builder will also provide total cumulative values without historical data, regardless of when they were created.

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