Top Blog Posts by Click-through Rate shows the most successful blog posts in terms of getting readers to click on links within the content. This metric reflects the effectiveness of internal linking and the relevance of the content to the readers' interests.
With Databox you can track all your metrics from various data sources in one place.
Used to show comparisons between values.
Databox is a business analytics software that allows you to track and visualize your most important metrics from any data source in one centralized platform.
To track Top Blog Posts by Click-through Rate using Databox, follow these steps:
The Hubspot Blogging dashboard template looks at your most highly-trafficked blog posts each month. It measures whether you are hitting monthly goals.
Use this HubSpot Marketing advanced report to share high-level and in-depth metrics of your website and email performance. Present key metrics like Visits, Leads, MQLs, Emails Opened, and more.
The New Contacts by Organic Search Source metric in Hubspot shows the number of new contacts acquired through online searches that didn't involve paid advertisements or promotions.
The New Contacts by Paid Social Source metric shows the number of new contacts gained from paid social media advertising campaigns.
The New Leads by Other Campaigns metric in Hubspot tracks the number of new leads acquired from sources other than email, social media, organic search, or paid search. It helps identify which sources are driving maximum lead generation.
New Visitor Sessions by Source measures the number of website visits made by unique users who have never visited the site before, broken down by the source of their visit (i.e. search engines, direct traffic, social media, etc.) in Hubspot.
The Sessions by Other Campaigns metric tracks the number of website sessions generated by sources other than organic search, paid search, or direct traffic, such as referral traffic or social media.
Total number of Emails Successfully Opened split up by Email Title. No historical data is available from the initial connection.
Total number of Emails Successfully Clicked split up by Email Title. No historical data is available from the initial connection.
The New Email Subscribers metric tracks the number of contacts who have recently subscribed to your email list. It helps measure the growth and success of your email marketing efforts.