The Contacts metric in Hubspot tracks the number of individuals in your database, including leads, customers, and any other individuals you may have added through various sources. This information can be used to measure the size and growth of your audience, as well as inform your marketing efforts and outreach strategies.
With Databox you can track all your metrics from various data sources in one place.
Used to show a simple Metric or to draw attention to one key number.
Databox is a business analytics software that allows you to track and visualize your most important metrics from any data source in one centralized platform.
To track Contacts using Databox, follow these steps:
HubSpot CRM dashboard template provides you with insights about deals and sales pipelines which will help you to track, and grow your pipelines.
Use this HubSpot Marketing advanced report to share high-level and in-depth metrics of your website and email performance. Present key metrics like Visits, Leads, MQLs, Emails Opened, and more.
The New Contacts by Email Marketing Source is a metric in Hubspot that indicates the number of new contacts that have been acquired through email marketing campaigns. This metric allows marketers to analyze the effectiveness of their email campaigns in generating leads.
New MQLs by Source is a metric that measures the number of new Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) generated from different sources to evaluate lead generation performance.
New Visitor Sessions by Source measures the number of website visits made by unique users who have never visited the site before, broken down by the source of their visit (i.e. search engines, direct traffic, social media, etc.) in Hubspot.
New Opportunities metric in HubSpot measures how many new potential customers or sales leads have been created within a specified time period.
This metric shows the number of new customers generated through email marketing campaigns, indicating the effectiveness of email marketing in acquiring new business.
The Emails Opened by Email Title (by Last Updated) metric in Hubspot displays the number of times each email was opened, sorted by the date it was last modified. This helps you determine which email titles are most effective in engaging your audience.
Top Blog Posts by Click-through Rate shows the most successful blog posts in terms of getting readers to click on links within the content. This metric reflects the effectiveness of internal linking and the relevance of the content to the readers' interests.
The Page CTA Views metric measures the number of times a call-to-action (CTA) on a particular page has been viewed by visitors. It helps track the effectiveness of CTAs and optimize them for better conversion rates.