The Total Net Revenue metric represents the total amount of income generated by an app after all expenses (such as commission fees) have been deducted.
With Databox you can track all your metrics from various data sources in one place.
Used to show a simple Metric or to draw attention to one key number.
Databox is a business analytics software that allows you to track and visualize your most important metrics from any data source in one centralized platform.
To track Total Net Revenue using Databox, follow these steps:
Returns by Country is a metric that tracks the number of app returns per country in a specific time period, indicating which countries have the highest return rates.
Net Standard Revenue by Country is a metric that shows the total amount of revenue generated by an app in a specific country, after deducting any refunds, fees, and taxes.
Refunds metric tracks the number and amount of refunds processed by the app store for an app or in-app purchase, allowing developers to monitor and analyze the impact of refunds on their revenue and user satisfaction.
The Gifts metric in AppFigures tracks the number of app downloads that were gifted to someone, either through the App Store or through promo codes distributed by the developer.
Non First Year Subscribers refers to the number of subscribers who have been subscribed to a particular product or service for longer than one year, excluding those who subscribed within the first year of the product/service launch.
Transitions metric in AppFigures shows how many times your app was installed by users who previously had a different app version installed on their device, indicating how well your app's updates are being received and adopted.
The Transitions by Country metric in AppFigures measures the number of users that moved from one version of an app to another, broken down by the country where the transition occurred.
Converted Payment Revenue is a metric that measures the total revenue generated by an app or game after all necessary fees (such as app store fees and payment processing fees) have been deducted.