Aggregated Reel Plays Count by Reel is a metric that shows the total number of times all reels have been played on your Instagram Business account. It helps track overall engagement with your reel content.
With Databox you can track all your metrics from various data sources in one place.
Used to show comparisons between values.
Databox is a business analytics software that allows you to track and visualize your most important metrics from any data source in one centralized platform.
To track Aggregated Reel Plays Count by Reel using Databox, follow these steps:
The Total Followers by Gender metric on Instagram provides a breakdown of the number of followers a business account has based on the gender of the followers. This can help businesses better understand their audience and tailor their content accordingly.
The Total Followers by Age Group metric shows the distribution of a business's Instagram followers across different age ranges, helping to understand the demographic makeup of the audience.
The Posts metric on Instagram refers to the total number of posts made on an Instagram profile, including photos, videos, and carousel posts. This metric can be helpful in measuring the level of activity and engagement on a profile over time.
Top Posts by Likes Count is a metric that shows the Instagram posts with the highest number of likes over a specific period of time. It helps businesses understand what type of content their followers engage with most and can guide their future content strategy.
The New Posts by Comments Count metric is a measure of the number of new posts created by an InstagramBusiness account that have received the highest number of comments within a specified time period.
The Text Message Clicks metric measures the number of times users clicked on the "text" button to send a private message to the business through Instagram Direct.
Total Reel Replays Count by Reel is a metric that measures the number of times viewers have replayed a specific Instagram Reel video. It helps track engagement and identify popular content for future use.
Total Reel Comments by Reel is a metric that measures the total number of comments left on a Reel video on Instagram. It shows engagement and indicates how well the content resonates with the audience.