DataboxDatabox Databox
Instagram Business KPI Dashboard Software

Instagram Business
Dashboard and Reporting Software

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Get metrics on new likes, posts reach and daily user engagement for your business profile.

Track and improve your Instagram Business results.

Instagram Business lets companies track how their posts and stories perform throughout the day and it provides insights into how followers interact with their outreach. In addition, it allows companies to manage specific information like business hours, location, and phone number.

With Databox, you can stay on top of your Instagram Business account activity and profile engagement. With the ability to combine your Instagram data with all the other social media, marketing, and sales tools you’re using, you can create comprehensive and wholesome marketing campaigns across all your socials. Connect your Instagram business account to track your social performance anytime and on any device: computer, mobile, Apple Watch, TV display, and Slack.

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        • Category
          Social Media
        • Status
        • Date added

        API Details

        Metric Builder

        • Metric builder available
        • In what time zone does Instagram Business Data Source sync in Databox?

          Instagram Business data is synced in UTC time zone in Databox. More information is available here.

        • Data for Followers-related metrics from Instagram Business Data Source not displayed in Databox

          Insights data is not available for Instagram Business users that have less than 100 followers. As a result, data for the following Instagram Business metrics will not be displayed in Databox for Instagram Business accounts that have less than 100 followers:

          • Followers by City
          • Followers by Country
          • Followers by Gender
          • Followers by Age Group
          • New Followers
          • Reach
          • Impressions
          • Profile Visits
          • Email Clicks
          • Website Clicks
          • Phone Call Clicks
          • Text Message Clicks
          • Get Directions Clicks

          Learn more about the metric limitations here.

        • Unable to connect Instagram Business Data Source in Databox due to error ‘It seems like you don’t have any Instagram Business accounts linked to your FB Pages’

          Instagram Business data is synced via Facebook Pages. Therefore, the relevant Instagram Business account needs to be properly linked to a Facebook Page, and the Facebook user connecting the Instagram Business Data Source in Databox must have an Admin or Editor Page Role set up for the Facebook Page. More information is available here.
          Learn more about why the users can not connect their Facebook or Instagram Business Data Sources in Databox.
          Learn how to link an Instagram Business Account to a Facebook Page here.

        • Permissions error or ‘invalid scope fields’ error displayed when attempting to connect or reconnect the Instagram Business Data Source in Databox

          Databox requires the following scopes for successful connection of the Instagram Business Data Source:

          • pages_read_engagement
          • pages_read_user_content
          • pages_show_list
          • instagram_basic
          • instagram_manage_insights
          • business_management

          The error can be caused by various reasons, such as an issue on the user’s end, deprecated or wrong scope, wrong API, invalid app, or invalid tokens, etc. In case of an error, it is suggested to double-check if the password or user permissions in Instagram are valid.
          In case of an error Databox also recommends users get more permissions in Instagram or try to connect/reconnect the Instagram Business Data Source with another Instagram user, who has the same permissions. If none of this works, reach out to Databox Customer Support.

        Track all of your key business metrics from one screen

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