Re-Downloads by Country shows the number of times users in different countries re-download your app without making a new purchase, providing insights into geographic retention rates.
With Databox you can track all your metrics from various data sources in one place.
Used to show comparisons between values.
Databox is a business analytics software that allows you to track and visualize your most important metrics from any data source in one centralized platform.
To track Re-Downloads by Country using Databox, follow these steps:
Downloads by Country is a metric that tracks the number of app or game downloads in each country, providing insights into the app's popularity and reach.
The Educational Downloads by Country metric tracks the number of downloads for educational apps by country. It helps developers understand which countries have a higher demand for educational apps.
Activations by Country is a metric in AppFigures that shows the number of installs or activations of an app broken down by country. It allows developers to see where their app is most popular and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly.
The Transitions by Country metric in AppFigures measures the number of users that moved from one version of an app to another, broken down by the country where the transition occurred.
Transitions out measures the number of times users leave your app or game and go to a different app or game after using yours.
Reactivations by Country measures the number of users who have reinstalled or reactivated an app in a specific country. It helps track the effectiveness of marketing efforts aimed at bringing back lapsed users and identifies regions where these efforts have been successful.
Ads Requests Filled is a metric that measures the number of times an ad was successfully displayed to a user after a request was made by the app or website. It indicates the effectiveness of ad serving and revenue opportunities for publishers.
The Ad Campaign Installs by Country metric shows the number of app installs generated by specific ad campaigns within each country.