Andy Cook, cofounder of Tettra, was having trouble raising money. The company that he and his childhood friend, Nelson Joyce, had founded was running out ...
On the day Ken Segall first met Steve Jobs, his heart was beating through his chest. It was 1989, and Segall had accepted a role ...
Elyse Flynn Meyer saw firsthand how HubSpot, and more broadly, inbound marketing would change the way that businesses marketed themselves. First, as a user working ...
“Whoever gets closest to the customer, wins.” This is the ideal–the mission–that Drift, a conversational marketing platform, is built off of. It informs every aspect ...
When’s the last time you sat down and read a 10,000-word PDF? Don’t worry, I can’t remember either. Our accessibility to content has never been ...
In January of 2017, as a mom of two and with very little planned for what would come next, Georgiana Laudi decided to leave her ...
Like most successful product-driven companies, Help Scout was tentative, at best, about the idea of sales. Its self-serve model had worked so well, amassing around ...
When we first booked Rand Fishkin for Ground Up, I admittedly struggled on how to angle the interview. Do we focus on SEO? After all, ...
When we first launched Ground Up back in October, one of the first episodes we recorded was around the ideas, strategies, and insights behind acquiring ...
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