Monthly Marketing Performance HubSpot & GA4 Dashboard Template

Template created by Databox Databox
Stay on top of your monthly marketing performance with the Monthly Marketing Performance dashboard template. This interactive dashboard is the perfect fit for marketing experts, CMOs and agencies. It displays key marketing metrics from HubSpot Marketing and Google Analytics 4, such as Users, Sessions, Leads, Contacts, Average Session Duration... and more, enabling you to monitor performance, analyze data, and make informed decisions about your marketing strategy.

Uses one-click integrations:

  • Google Analytics 4 Google Analytics 4
  • HubSpot Marketing HubSpot Marketing

If you don’t use Google Analytics 4 or HubSpot Marketing, you can pull data from any of our 100+ one-click, native integrations or from spreadsheets, databases and other APIs.

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What you’ll learn from this Monthly Marketing Performance HubSpot Marketing & GA4 Dashboard Template:

By connecting your HubSpot Marketing and Google Analytics 4 accounts, you’ll learn:

  • If your sessions are trending up or down on a daily/monthly/quarterly basis? Track the number of sessions your website is getting on a regular basis. By comparing this number to previous periods, you can gain more insights and take appropriate steps to ensure that it continues to go up rather than stagnate or decline. 
  • Which sources bring in the most new contacts? Identify the specific sources that bring in the most new contacts to your website. This will help you focus your efforts where you are most likely to see an ROI when it comes to increasing the number of users. Whether it is upping your Social Media budget or investing more in your Email campaigns
  • Are you on track to reach your lead generation goals? Keep an eye on your performance when it comes to lead generation in real time and if it seems that you might fall short of your goal make sure that you use the time left and take immediate steps to change your strategy and increase lead generation
  • How good is your overall marketing performance? Keep a close eye on you most important marketing performance metrics to ensure your business growth. By tracking sessions, contacts, leads, customers, bounce rate and more, in real time, you will be able to make changes in your strategy on the go when you see any of them trending down.

What else can you track and visualize with our deep integration with Google Analytics 4 and HubSpot Marketing?

When it comes to attributing to your traffic and conversions, almost anything:

  • Website Engagement
  • Traffic and lead demographics
  • Mapping out the customer journey
  • Calculate average revenue per user/ARPU
  • Website and app engagement
  • The conversion rate(s) throughout your marketing and sales funnel(s)
  • Monitor campaign improvements and growth over time
  • Monitor audience growth over time.

There are many, many different metrics and metric combinations you can track using Google Analytics 4. And in Databox, you can quickly visualize 100s of Google Analytics 4 and HubSpot Marketing metrics in a variety of different ways. Read more about Databox’s Google Analytics 4 and HubSpot Marketing integrations.

Google Analytics 4 Google Analytics 4 metrics included in this template
  • New Users

    New Users metric represents the number of unique, first-time users to a website or app during a specific time period. It helps measure the growth of a business's audience and identify opportunities for acquisition and retention strategies.

HubSpot Marketing HubSpot Marketing metrics included in this template
  • Contacts Goal

Customize this dashboard with Databox

Sometimes, you’ll want to dive deeper into performance. When you need to customize this template (or any other dashboard) to include different metrics, add metrics from different sources, etc., you can do so by using Databox’s Dashboard Designer.

The Designer allows you to easily drag-and-drop metrics and visualizations from any data source right into your dashboard.

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