
AccuRanker 23 Metrics

Winners is a metric in AccuRanker that shows the keywords with the highest increase in ranking positions over a specified period of time.

With Databox you can track all your metrics from various data sources in one place.

Winners 2.190,879 Start tracking this metric
  • About
  • Tech details
What is "Winners"?
The Winners metric in AccuRanker is a measure of the number of keywords that have moved up in search engine rankings compared to the previous period. This metric allows users to track their organic search performance and identify which keywords are driving traffic to their website. It can also help users identify trends and opportunities to improve their SEO strategy. The Winners metric is a key component of AccuRanker's reporting tools, providing valuable insights for businesses looking to improve their online visibility and drive more traffic to their website.
Example: The Winners metric can be used to determine the top performing pages in a website based on organic search rankings, allowing for targeted optimization efforts.


  • Number

    Used to show a simple Metric or to draw attention to one key number.

How to track Winners in Databox?

Databox is a business analytics software that allows you to track and visualize your most important metrics from any data source in one centralized platform.

To track Winners using Databox, follow these steps:

  1. 1
    Connect AccuRanker that contains the metric you want to track
  2. 2
    Select the metric you want to track from the list of available metrics
  3. 3
    Drag and drop the selected metric onto your dashboard
  4. 4
    Watch your dashboard populate in seconds
  5. 5
    Put Winners on the Performance screen
  6. 6
    Get Winners performance daily with Scorecards or as a weekly digest
  7. 7
    Set Goals to track and improve performance of Winners
AccuRanker integration with Databox Track Winners from AccuRanker in Databox GET STARTED


  • Description
    Winners is a metric in AccuRanker that shows the keywords with the highest increase in ranking positions over a specified period of time.
  • Category
  • Cumulative Support
  • Units
  • Favorable Trend
  • Changing historical data
  • Forecast Support
  • Benchmark Support
  • Dimension
  • Metric Type
    current Learn more
  • API Endpoint{domain}

Track all of your key business metrics from one screen