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We help fair companies grow through highly optimized data-driven marketing

We are constantly iterating at a high tempo: split testing, analyzing and optimizing. We track and measure everything and work with a data-driven approach, as scientific as possible, to deliver actual results. We work closely with your in-house marketing and executive teams. As a client, you will learn by doing while working side by side with us. We do not simply hire our knowledge: we share it and add value to our clients’ in-house teams. Our growth hacking secret: hard work, best practices, scientific approach, and rigor.

Experts in:

Ideal customer:

We have an ethics collaboration policy: We choose who we work with and we due to the diligence of our potential clients. Our fee rates can vary according to company ethics, transparency, non-discriminatory and environmental policies, animal treatment, sustainability, fair salaries. We’d rather work with the common good-focused and cooperative companies instead of strictly profit-oriented ones. We ONLY make ads and aid growth through techniques: where all marketing communications share the common standard of truth, advertising is clearly distinguished from news and entertainment content, the consumers are treated fairly based on the nature of the product and the nature of the consumer, the privacy of the consumer is never compromised. We comply with regulations and standards established by governmental and professional organizations. Usually, ethics are discussed openly and honestly during all marketing decisions.

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