The Current Property, Plant, and Equipment by Asset metric in Xero provides a snapshot of a company's tangible assets, their net value, and how efficiently they are being utilized to generate revenue.
With Databox you can track all your metrics from various data sources in one place.
Used to show comparisons between values.
Databox is a business analytics software that allows you to track and visualize your most important metrics from any data source in one centralized platform.
To track Current Property, Plant and Equipment by Asset using Databox, follow these steps:
Profit and Loss by Type shows the profitability of your business by categorizing income and expenses into specific types like sales, cost of goods sold, and operating expenses.
Total Income (Budget) is a financial metric in Xero that represents the planned or expected amount of income that a business aims to earn within a specified period, based on its budget projections.
The Cash Received metric in Xero indicates the total amount of cash that a business has received within a specific period, such as a month or a quarter. It includes all cash payments from sales, accounts receivable, and other sources, providing an accurate measure of a company's cash flow.
The Draft Invoices metric in Xero refers to the number of invoices that have been created but not yet finalized. It measures the efficiency of the invoicing process and helps ensure that all invoices are accurately and promptly sent to clients for payment.
The Awaiting Payments metric in Xero shows the total amount of money that has been invoiced but not yet received from customers.
Net Profit Margin is a financial metric that represents the percentage of profits earned from revenue after all expenses, including taxes and interest, are subtracted.
Assets to Liabilities metric is a financial ratio used to determine a company's ability to pay off its debts with its assets. Higher ratio indicates better financial health.
Quotes Sent Value measures the total monetary amount of quotes sent to customers during a specific timeframe in Xero accounting software.