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TikTok Organic integration with Databox

TikTok Organic
Dashboard and Reporting Software

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TikTok is a popular social media platform known for short-form videos, allowing users to create, share, and discover engaging content in brief durations. With a diverse range of creative tools, users express themselves through music, effects, and trends, making TikTok a dynamic space for entertainment and self-expression.

Easily analyze and optimize your TikTok strategy

TikTok is a social media platform that allows users to create and share short-form videos. Businesses can leverage TikTok to establish a more authentic connection with their audience and boost brand awareness.

By connecting TikTok and Databox, you’ll get insights that will help you improve your content strategy. See which videos are performing best, learn more about your audience, and optimize your posting schedule. Plus, you can create comprehensive dashboards that combine TikTok data with other tools you have connected to Databox.
You can easily sync TikTok data with our with our new integration.

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        • Category
          Social Media
        • Status

        API Details

        • Authentication Method
        • API version

        Metric Builder

        • Metric builder available
        • What is the maximum amount of historical data available when you first use a TikTok Organic Data Source metric in Databox?

          Different TikTok Organic metrics may have different amount of historical data available when they are first used in Databox.

          General type metrics have 60 days of historical data available when first used in Databox while Current type metrics do not provide any historical data; their data begins syncing from the day the metric is first used in Databox (whether on a Dashboard, My Metrics page or through a notification).

          You can check the metric type under the Technical Details tab within the metric description by clicking on ‘Learn more about this metric.’

        • TikTok Organic metrics specifics

          ‘No reset’ TikTok Organic metrics (metrics that are not reset to value 0 with every new day):

          • Total Followers
          • Total Followers by Gender
          • Total Followers by Country
          • Likes
          • Shares
          • Comments
          • Profile Views
          • Video Views
          • Total Followers
          • Total Followers by Gender
          • Total Followers by Country
          • Total Views
          • Total Views by Video
          • Total Likes
          • Total Likes by Video
          • Total Comments
          • Total Comments by Video
          • Total Playback Time
          • Total Playback Time by Video
          • Total Shares
          • Total Shares by Video
          • Total full video watched rate
          • Total full video watched rate by Video
          • Total Average View Time
          • Total Average View Time by Video
          • Total Unique Viewers
          • Total Unique Viewers by Video

          Non-Aggregatable TikTok Organic metrics (due to the nature of these metrics, summing daily/weekly/monthly values will not give correct results for longer time periods):

          • Total Followers
          • Total Followers by Gender
          • Total Followers by Country
          • Total Views
          • Total Views by Video
          • Total Likes
          • Total Likes by Video
          • Total Comments
          • Total Comments by Video
          • Total Playback Time
          • Total Playback Time by Video
          • Total Shares
          • Total Shares by Video
          • Total full video watched rate
          • Total full video watched rate by Video
          • Total Average View Time
          • Total Average View Time by Video
          • Total Unique Viewers
          • Total Unique Viewers by Video
          • Follower activity by Hour

          Calculated metrics that are calculated on our end and are not provided by the TikTok API:

          • Total Views
          • Total Likes
          • Total Comments
          • Total Playback Time
          • Total Shares
          • Total Average View Time
          • Total Unique Viewers
        • TikTok Organic Account Requirements for Syncing Data in Databox

          The data you can get from the TikTok API depends on whether you can see the corresponding TikTok Analytics data available in your TikTok app and at If the data for the metric is missing from TikTok Analytics, you will not be able to get the data in Databox.

          To view insights and analytics data you need to first publish at least one video as the TikTok Account Owner and then tap the ‘Turn On’ button on the Analytics page from your mobile TikTok app. Learn more here.

          More followers will lead to a more accurate analysis. You will receive more insights about your viewers and the content they have engaged with once you have 100 followers in your TikTok Account. Learn more here.

        • Data not available for certain metrics due to video inactivity

          If the data for the following metrics is unavailable, this might be because the video has not been active (viewed/liked/commented/shared) for more than 7 days. To retrieve the data for these fields, you can view, like, comment or share the inactive video and retry viewing the metric after 24 to 48 hours. The metrics related to videos are listed below:

          Total Playback Time
          Total Shares
          Total Average View Time
          Total Unique Viewers
          Total Views
          Total Likes
          Total Comments
          Posted Videos

          In case the video is still not available after the steps taken, the reason is likely that the video has been filtered out due to violations, such as music copyright violation.

        • Data not available for any metric after connecting TikTok Organic account to Databox

          One possible reason why your TikTok account data is not syncing with Databox after the initial connection is that the required permissions were not granted during the connection process. Specifically, various ‘Read’ permissions need to be granted in the connection process to sync data from the TikTok account. If any of these permissions were not selected, data will not sync.

          To resolve this issue, you can re-authorize the ‘Databox Organic’ app in the TikTok mobile app by following these steps:

          Open the TikTok mobile app.
          Go to your Profile.
          Tap the Burger menu (top right).
          Select Settings and Privacy.
          Navigate to Security.
          Choose Manage app permissions.
          Remove access for Databox Organic.

          Go back to Databox and create a new connection for TikTok Organic. Ensure all required permissions are selected during the connection process for Databox Organic app.

        • Data latency for TikTok Organic metrics

          For some metrics, there might be a 24 to 48 hours latency when you try to pull data from your TikTok Account. This means that data from the past 24 to 48 hours may not be included in the metric, or if you are viewing the metric on a timeline (such as a bar chart or line chart), data from the last two days might be missing.

          Learn more here.

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