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PayPal is a widely-used digital payment platform that enables secure and convenient online transactions. It allows users to send and receive money, make purchases, and manage finances through its user-friendly interface, providing a trusted and reliable solution for individuals and businesses worldwide.

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  • Live view

    PayPal Account Overview

    This dashboard allows you to track all the key metrics for your company, starting from Gross Sales, Shipping costs, PayPal fees, and more.



  • Category
    Subscriptions and Payments
  • Description
    PayPal is a widely-used digital payment platform that enables secure and convenient online transactions. It allows users to send and receive money, make purchases, and manage finances through its user-friendly interface, providing a trusted and reliable solution for individuals and businesses worldwide.
  • Status
  • Connect notes
    The PayPal API has a limit of collecting only the last 100 transactions in the specified Date Range. It is also only available for Premier or Business Accounts.
  • Connect notes link
  • Date added
  • Time Zone

API Details

  • Authentication Method

Metric Builder

  • Metric builder available
  • PayPal metrics specifications
    • Inverted PayPal metrics (metrics where a low value indicates positive development and a high value indicates negative development):Fees

    Fees by Currency
    Shipping Costs
    Shipping Costs by Currency
    Refunds by Currency
    Gross Amount
    Gross Amount by Transaction
    Gross Amount by Currency
    Pending by Type
    Pending by Currency

    • ‘No reset’ metrics (metrics that are not reset to value 0 with every new day):

    Average Selling Price
    Balance by Currency

    • Non-Aggregatable metrics (due to the nature of these metrics, summing daily/weekly/monthly values will not give correct results for longer time periods):

    Balance by Currency
    Transactions status
    Average Selling Price

  • How much historical data is available when you first start using PayPal metrics in Databox?

    When you first start using a PayPal Data Source metric in Databox, 36 months of historical data is initially synced.

    This excludes metrics that do not provide historical data on initial use (data is accumulated over time as the metric is used in the account). These metrics are:
    Balance by Currency
    Transactions by Status

  • API limitations allow only data for the last 100 transactions to be synced

    Only data for the last 100 transactions is available from the PayPal API. If there are more than 100 transactions tracked in the selected Date Range, the 101st transaction will not be synced with Databox.

Track all of your key business metrics from one screen

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